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September 21, 2007

Avocado! Not until 1871...was the avocado definitely established [in California], through the introduction of three trees by Judge R. B. Ord of Santa Barbara. Two of these three trees bore fruit for many years in Santa Barbara, and served to create interest in further plantings. Avocado! In one year, a single California avocado tree can absorb as much carbon as is produced by a car driven 26,000 miles. Avocado! The avocado probably originated in southern Mexico but was cultivated from the Rio Grande to central Peru before the arrival of Europeans. more inside
Top Ten Laughably Bad Tech Ads Unfortunately, I am old enough to remember some of these when they were 'cool'.
Confirmed: Homo floresiensis was a distinct human species - not a Microcephalic individual. So says a supposedly conclusive new study. Telegraph, UK. Hobbit evidence will silence critics, scientist says - ABC Australia. Scientists: Hobbit Wasn't a Modern Human - AP. Hobbit Human Was Unique Species, Wrist Bones Suggest - National Geographic. more inside
How big is your crockus?
Passive-Aggressive Notes for Fun and Profit! "some of these notes are really more aggressive in tone, and some of them are more passive — polite, even — but they all share a common sense of frustration that’s been channeled into written form rather than a direct confrontation. it’s barbed criticism disguised as something else — helpful advice, a funny joke, simple forgetfulness" more inside
Canadian dollar reaches parity with staggering U.S. greenback