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September 17, 2007

What kids like to do online. more inside
What should be done with Barry's Ball? ... It turns out Mark Ecko bought #756 (for US$752K) and wants your help deciding what to do with it.
Too much internet will K-I-L-L you.
Bathing Beauties has run a design competition to re-imagine the beach hut. Nine winners will be available for hire. (Alas, I don't think the winners are necessarily the best designs, apart from 'Jabba'). more inside
How drug reps operate. "It's my job to figure out what a physician's price is. For some it's dinner at the finest restaurants, for others it's enough convincing data to let them prescribe confidently and for others it's my attention and friendship...but at the most basic level, everything is for sale and everything is an exchange."
If you wouldn’t mind just waiting till my computer warms up, I will tell you when you are going to die.