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August 25, 2007

This Modern World, Animated! (2 embedded YouTubes) Sparky and Blinky the Very Nice Dog come to life -- along with Zombie Reagan, mutant owls, and Alan Greenspan the pet iguana. more inside
Braaaaaiiins in the Age of Egyptian Mummies. [Via MH.]
Former U.S. military commander says elites hide from humanity knowledge and contact with many Extraterrestrial civilizations - and that there are possibly hundreds of cultures visiting Earth. Why do these UFO disclosure people always look like this guy?
Please help me name all the sexual innuendos that appear in this awesome commercial from New Zealand! I've gotten stuck on at least two: the dog in the tub of water? And is that a boar's head with a sword in its mouth? I'm certain I am missing more. (Also, I hope this isn't a double post--I did my best to search for it beforehand.)
Vladimir Putin, you're so dreamy!