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August 20, 2007

All My Sons: Only a handful of people in the theater knew that [Arthur] Miller had a fourth child. Those who did said nothing, out of respect for his wishes, because, for nearly four decades, Miller had never publicly acknowledged the existence of Daniel.
Curious George's Big Boner So what was your biggest boner? more inside
8 k! Wh00t!
Foundations of Montreal's founding found. A dig close to Pointe-à-Callière in Montreal has revealed the lost 1642 Fort Ville-Marie, just about here, beneath a warehouse. (Ville-Marie 101 here.)
Heat Eat Review
Researchers design humorous "bot." University of Cincinnati researchers Julia Taylor and Larry Mazlack recently unveiled a "bot” — more accurately a software program — that recognizes jokes. They reported the development at the American Association for Artificial Intelligence conference in Vancouver, Canada. All bad jokes aside, their research represents a step forward in computers reaching the capability of a human mind.