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February 13, 2007

A Man's Home is his Castle Cabin. Having run out of furs, Canadians will now ship out log cabins to the UK. A perfect fit -- be seeing you, eh?
When Harry Met Betty The history of cake has been long and varied, and many have interesting histories. Some are misleadingly named. However, few have had as mysterious and interesting a history as one of the 20th century's most famous cakes, the Chiffon. From the always wonderful Rake Magazine. more inside
Goatse has nothing on me. For I have the greatest glory hole of all!
Frontline: News War Readers didn't need a week of front-page stories about diaper-wearing astronauts and the alleged cultural significance of Anna Nicole Smith to tell them that the Fourth Estate is having an identity crisis. There's also last week's Pentagon inspector general report criticizing the Bush administration's manipulation of prewar intelligence, reminding Americans that most of the Beltway media danced to the White House's drumbeat to the Iraq war four years ago. more inside
What does a bid for the White House and Cockfighting have in common? While New Mexico argues over those little warriors that come out of eggs, things can get quite serious. Have no fear, there's always Gamecock Boxing! more inside
Mark Wickens collects olive oil labels and fruit wrappers for fun and profit.
London: A Life in Maps Lovely microsite from the British Library. As well as the maps, some nice e-cards to send, and even a Google Earth layer. Cor blimey!