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February 16, 2006

Treasures of the European Digital Library more inside
A Map of Slave-Labor Products Click on a product to learn more about its connections to slave labor. Product information will open in a popup window. Didn't know it was still going on in the US. via memepool
Curious George: Baby gifts. So, my best friend's wife (who is also my good good friend) is having a baby. On Monday. I want to get her something. more inside
Brokeback to the Future. Flash video. via ABS. more inside
The song was somehow like dadadada-dadadada. Got it?? Tap a song with the spacebar and this website will figure out which song it was. It worked well with "Jingle Bell's", "Yesterday" and "A Hard Day's Night".
Anti-Semiticism Contest Self-parody as the new weapon in the war on intolerance. Produce the most extreme anti-Semitic cartoon you can possibly imagine, and submit it to the contest. The best entries will be posted online. But only if the cartoonist is Jewish. more inside
Curious George: Mac OS X error -10810 Since MoFi lately has embraced Mac tech support, I thought I might try my luck here too... I am finding that after a while I cannot launch any new apps... sometimes quitting one of the open apps allows me to open another, but more often than not, I just get an error -10810 when I try to open the new application. I'm using a dual 2.0 G5, and upgrading from 10.4.4 to 10.4.5 made no difference. I did some googling and all I found was a suggestion to repair permissions from my install dvd-- did that with no effect. Nothing on apple's boards either. Logging out or rebooting cures it for a while, but the problem keeps coming back. I would be grateful for any help or suggestions.