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August 25, 2005

Curious, George: SAS on a mac? Do any monkeys have experience with using the statistical program SAS in osx? Before I go through with loading this and shelling out the dough for Filemaker, I wanted to see if it's worth it. Or is it time for me to switch back? more inside
Buffo is the World's Strongest Clown. Yeah, you *should* be scared! (Warning: the site contains a brief, annoying bit of audio, so turn off the speakers if you're at work or in a computer lab!)
Widdle baby panda needs a widdle baby panda name... We've talked about it some in kitfisto's original panda post, but there's an official process for giving Panda names. However, we monkeys have never been ones to play by the book, so on the first link, you can vote for the hacked name of 'Butterstick'. [via Wonkette] more inside
Curious George: What time is it where you are? more inside
Beavis & Butt-Head return!!!! Maybe I'm just one of them there 90's Gen-X slackers. But news that Beavis and Butthead are going to be on the MTV VMA Awards this weekend and that Beavis And Butt-Head: The Mike Judge Collection Vol. 1 will be released on DVD in November. Uh, huh-huh-huh, cool...
If your child is gay and you chose to celebrate it you may want to order some of these. Gay Merit Badges! via BoingBoing.
Is my child becoming GAY?! Helping Boys Become Men, and Girls Become Women. more inside
Bar code art. New to me; apologies if not new to you.