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July 30, 2005

http://www.stackopolis.com/play/ Build your monuments before the time runs down. Addictive.
The World's Most Efficient Refridgerator? Not sure how practical it is, but it's a cool idea and a great example of the DIY side of energy conservation.
How to make an Ocarina from card - You will need a sheet of card, a pair of scissors, craft knife or such-like, glue, straight edge or steel ruler, something to cut on, and opposable thumbs. Then you can blow on it and go blooble bloople oopleoooh etc, and annoy everyone for hours on end.
Short-notice NYC MoFi meetup? August 1? more inside
Understanding pop music OC Weekly has a helpful critical analysis of “Hollaback Girl” by Gwen Stefani. more inside
Seductive cow! Bovines envious of all the action the horses have been getting? Here's some ungulate lingerie!
Professed love simultaneously mixed with utter condemnation. Fundamentalism explained by an ex-fundamentalist. more inside
Planet X Found! Get the facts and begin saucer boarding procedures. And whatever did happen to good old Niburu?
Filthy, funny, flawed, gorgeous Blog made up of brilliant little short short short stories.
"It was a call from her best friend that woke her up. ‘Quick, turn on the telly! There’ve been explosions all over London'. She watched in horror as her beloved city was plunged into chaos. Bodies were retrieved, places cordoned off and a deep sense of shock had taken over.
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