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July 19, 2005

Make my PC and MAC love War3 together My powerbook won't play Warcraft III with my friend's PC on a wireless LAN. Anyone?
Seems like a slow day, so I'll post this. "The Options Institute provides training on how to manage risk in an increasingly complex marketplace through the use of effective options strategies.", provided by the CBOE, in addition to quotes, research, a glossary, etc. Included are Online Tutorials and Online Courses. more inside
That New, Old Interface Every once in a while, designers turn back the clock and give something another try. Exhibit A: the Fold n' Drop interface for sorting through computer files. Exhibit B: the book radio, which is exactly what it sounds like. Are these paper metaphors suitable for what they've been used for? Could or should they be extended into other areas?
Curious George: Computer security. Can anyone point me to a geeky resource that shows all the points to hit for hardenening a personal Windows 2000 computer from exploits? more inside
The hunt for #928. In 1967, an A-12 blackbird crashed in the Nevada desert on its return to the Groom Lake airbase. Almost 30 years later, Tom Mahood set out to find the crash site. It's a story of modern archaeology that has top secret black titanium spy-planes, codenamed compatriots, CIA coverup stories, FOIA requests, and some great detectiving. Plus, he sinks his truck. more inside
Odiferous George: The smell of rot wafts from my neighbor's woodshed... more inside
Strange, Beautiful Little Ballad This is a bit overly gothed out for me... but I like the idea of a long running internet comic, and the simple art blows me away.
Conquerous George Okay, so I've decided to take over my back garden and declare it as an independent state. I haven't decided on the name yet; Finnegestan, maybe, or Piss Off. Anyhoo, I was wondering how I'd go about getting my country internationally recognised. I want the whole shebang: tea with Chirac, talks late into the night about drilling rights, discussion about the fishing boundaries in that little pond at the end. Is there someone I need to talk to about this? Some list I need to add my name onto? How do I go about joining the UN? And do I get any additional rights in England as a sovereign of another country, should I decide to sometimes leave mine to get some groceries or something?
Flash Flipbook Fun DIY flash based flip books to share. more inside