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January 09, 2005

Lap dance: Short flash animation about a man and his cat.
Protein linked to heart disease Lowering levels of a protein in the blood could offer another way of reducing the risk of heart disease, a study suggests.
Curious, George: a strange food I've posted this over in the Wild Green Yonder to no avail, so here goes: can one eat a hermit crab? more inside
Conservative/Repub versions of Monkey filter?? Monkey and Meta filter tend to learn to the liberal/ democrat side. This is not bad, it just is. Does anyone know of any monkeyish/metaish filter blogs that have more a convservative/repub bent? I'm a curious monkey today, you see.
UNIX Haters Handbook OK, posting this to get the "loud snap plus excruciating pain" post out of my mind. more inside
Penis fracture. (SFW) "A sure sign is a loud snap and excruciating pain following the injury, as well as the rapid development of a hematoma or bruise."
The Georgia Guidestones are one of many Stonehenge clones in America. The stones are built to exacting astronomical specifications, and are inscribed with "10 Guides" (obliquely referencing the 10 Commandments). The monument has inspired a composition by Yoko Ono (found on this album) and multiple conspiracy theories.
Eyeball Knights (Flash) more inside
Your favorite cereal is now even more Devilishly Delicious! Satan Snaps - breakfast of Chant Aeons.
The Boy With Enormous Nostrils - from an Inuit Story.
Behold the healing power of anime! So you found Ringu scary, did you? No wonder, really. What with not a single service shot, chibi sequence, or any rorikon staying power, who can fault the fandom for not buying up all the Sadako plushie-toys the day after the movie came out? Better late than never, though. Presenting: sada-chan!! Soooo kyuuut!! more inside