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December 01, 2004
Curious George - Searching for a College
I'm in a quandry monkeys, its December and I still don't know where I want to go to college.
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Brighten the corners:
ABC's "Wife Swap" is "eager to feature a family headed by parents who are raising their children without imposing religious beliefs on them". Mom will go join a fundamentalist (assumedly Christian) household, while their mother joins yours. Want to show the world that non-believers can be just as moral and good as believers, if not moreso? And make money doing it?
("Bright" is an attempt at linguistic hijacking on the part of famed evolution advocate and Oxford scientistafessor Richard Dawkins, meant to re-brand people who don't believe in God.)
The Paradox of Language
Okay I just couldn't take it anymore. Selfishly ripped from the dirty hands of the blue, carried excitedly back to the Monkeyhaus to be gigglingly rocked back and forth with.
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Chunky orange hell
unleashed from above or afar. A single pumpkin impact sounds like a distant mortar round. [via Hit and Run]
Peanut Butter and Jelly of the Month Club.
Warning: Annoying flash intro. But cool idea for a yearlong gift!
Curious George: Whats the stoopedest theeng yoov evar don?
Inspired by this. I think many people have been candidates for the Darwin Awards, but have lived through their stupidity by sheer luck.
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Rock on, Rock ON!
How's your balance? Or balancing even? Either way, I'll wager it's not as good as Bill Dan's. However he is willing, it seems, to teach his skills to us mere mortals.
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No mention of rabbits, then? Too late!! A Pinch and a punch for the first of the month, and no returns!! :-P
Some take this stuff pretty seriously. Sometimes it's just a downer.
She wants to talk to you.
A Generation Weighed Down by Debt.
Does this story hit home for you? (Also: Are non-USian monkeys in the same up-the-creek-without-a-paddle boat as many younger Americans are?)
For the monkey who has everything.
Frustratingly Fun and Challenging Puzzles
My girlfriend stumbled across these and got me hooked on them. Now I shall pass this ever so procrastination-worthy material onto my fellow monkeys
Curious George I have asked this almost everywhere I know someone, and I have had no luck. Is there a way to play a song off of a compressed CD (the kind retail uses)? [MI]
Curious George: Academia!
Since it
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The red light is a bell of mindfulness.
A link for everyone who's ever driven somewhere only to realise they have absolutely no memory of the trip whatsoever.
It's funny 'cause he's stupid.
There really should be IQ traps--y'know, traps that will jail someone for doing something so stupid like grabbing on to a live wire that happens to be lying on the sidewalk or, well, click the link.
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It's World AIDS Day today
and Viewropa has a banner available for use on websites to promote AIDS awareness. It will be visible for 24 hours on MoFi from 5am UTC and highlights the "lottery effect" - one in every 157 people is HIV-positive. And one in 157 hits on the front page will see the banner.
Legalized euthanasia in the Netherlands.
A Dutch hospital admits to having euthanised 4 severely ill or deformed newborns.
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Who do the fans say should be the 2004 Sports Illustrated "Sportsman of the Year"?
The usual suspects (Michael Phelps and Lance Armstong) are #1 and #2. But may I suggest the one who is currently #3?
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