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May 10, 2004

Osama Bin Laden's family to build world's tallest building "The Saudi Binladin Group has been short-listed to build the world’s tallest building. It is the only Arab company on the short-list for the construction of the 705-meter Burj Dubai in the emirate, scheduled for completion in 2008." more inside
Can swine help your ailing Aunt Fannie? An Israeli team has created via tissue engineering a biological "scaffold" that in pigs allows healthy injectable heart muscle cells to replace tissue that died as a result of a heart attack.
The Misunderestimated Man "The question I am most frequently asked about Bushisms is, "Do you really think the president of the United States is dumb?" The short answer is yes. The long answer is yes and no. " [via DayPop]
Ink Mathematics A link/MP3 blog, alternative and independant news. Great filter.
They're self-centered, manipulative, backstabbing, out only for themselves--and amoral about the whole thing: they're Corporations.
Practise your amateur psychiatrist skills and try to cure these little disturbed critters. [Flash]
The Successful Beach and Shallow Water Metal Detecting University. Link snatched from Far Outliers, a blog I would like to groom.
The mystery of Meroitic could be on the way to a solution at last. (Nicest site run by a People's Front I've seen, by the way) There is a large amount of Meroitic writing and we know what sounds it represents - we just don't know what the sounds mean. Meroe is often seen as a small southern afterthought to Ancient Egypt, but others argue that the civilisation of Egypt was actually drawn from the ancient black culture of Meroe. more inside
Nine Naked Men: Cute, bizarre, and filled with nudity. How can you go wrong? (Oh an yes, probably NSFW.)
The Red Hot Jazz Archive
Got Beef? "Welcome to the exciting world of Beefmasters! Whether you're a commercial or seedstock producer, Beefmasters offer you exceptional opportunities to add value - and profit - to your cattle program."
Trepanation is the ancient practice of making a hole in the skull in order to improve the brain pulsations and hence the overall well being.