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December 23, 2003

Santa: Demon-Fighter, or Shroom-Eating Mystical Shaman Guy? - A revolutionary film was released in 1959 that features Santa as an All-Seeing Eye who lives atop a silver cloud and battles Lucifer for children's souls. Luckily, that is only one interpretation of the man in red. Others find him to be a mushroom-smoking, urinating magical celestial shaman whose pseudo-sexual, pre-Christian heritage is preserved in many of our present day holiday traditions. Just the other day, my dad told me that if you rearrange the letters in Santa, you can spell S-A-T-A-N. Happy Festivus, everyone! Via Scrubbles and Reality Carnival.
Senate Authorized the Use of Force Against Netherlands The Senate has authorized force against one of our allies.
Where are you spending New Year
Jack Webb, Hippie Skullthumper - Jack Webb, the star of Dragnet, died this day in 1982 of a heart attack. But did you know in his early days he hated hippies and communists? I mean this entirely in a good way.
DengDeng If you've never seen it - here it is. It's not Friday but it feels like it. more inside
Lenoré, the Cute Little Dead Girl. [Requires Flash, and a strong constitution]
100% RIAA-Free A great service that allows you to check out whether certain bands/albums are signed with RIAA labels or if they remain free of the devil's mark.
Brits Nix Poo W/A View (Via NYTimes)
Must... post... this...