September 24, 2005

Turducken; The Other White, Then Dark, Then White Meat.

Stoled from The Black Table

  • I just can't get past the whole "turd" thing. Irrational, but there you are.
  • It's not anywhere as tasty as it sounds. Sort of a hash with structure, and too dry, every time that it's been fed to me. Give me a juicy haggis any day instead.
  • This dish sounds fit to serve the great gluttons of Ancient Rome, were they still able to work up an appetite.
  • I faintly remember reading some tale of a delicacy (in Saudi Arabia?) consisting of camel stuffed with peasants stuffed with quail stuffed with... can't recall where. And I want to know her other accomplishments. 'No input file specified'. Meh.
  • Bloody hell what a lot of effort. boils water for instant ramen instead
  • "I faintly remember reading some tale of a delicacy (in Saudi Arabia?) consisting of camel stuffed with peasants stuffed with quail stuffed with... can't recall where." Wondering if you meant pheasant or peasant... interesting either way.
  • ?
  • Snopes has the camel recipe.
  • While this whole turkey/duck/chicken makes my mouth water, I still think they work a lot more deliciously on their own. (for LA monks: Chi Dynasty in Los Feliz has dropped the crispy quail from the dinner menu- anyone know why? Damn, I loved them qrispy quail...)
  • I'm tired just thinking about eating this. Much less making it.
  • YEEEEEEEESSSS!!!11! /spittle
  • As Granpa said: if your bird comes out dry, you aren't using enough butter. Advice that works on many levels.
  • I personally have much preferred their recipie for Pruno prison wine. See how the other, other half gets wasted.
  • I faintly remember reading some tale of a delicacy (in Saudi Arabia?) consisting of camel stuffed with peasants stuffed with quail stuffed with... can't recall where. Mmmmm, peasant.
  • I still don't understand how small people are able to eat more than large people. That kid that always wins the hotdog eating contest weighs 140 or so. This woman looks like she weighs considerably less than that. What gives? Do I need to start losing weight so that I can eat more?
  • somthing is wrong here .i don't know whath is that but i agree with bernockle. it seems that this woman shouldn't be winner.
  • It's not size - it's stomach flexibility and control of the gag reflex.
  • Recipe? I don't care how the hell you make this...turducken; I was just amazed anybody would actually come up with the concept... You know...they could have called it the enducktur. Even creeeeeepier.
  • As Granpa said: if your bird comes out dry, you aren't using enough butter. Advice that works on many levels. It's not size - it's stomach flexibility and control of the gag reflex. Good thing I wasn't having coffee in front of the computer. You people kill me.
  • The dish is one I would never try, but the article was funny.
  • Diamond Jim Brady's stomach was reprtedly six times the aize of the average person's -- so size would seem to count when it comes to massive ingestion.
  • =size
  • MonkeyFilter: If your bird comes out dry, you aren't using enough butter. 's true. I've a friend that went to Saudi as the guest of a prince and was served the camel, goat, etc thing. She said it needed salt.
  • That someone would fuck up a perfectly good Thanksgiving with this travesty is testament to the perfidy of man.
  • I know this woman who married a Saudi guy in the Sixties and was given a wedding gift of a white baby camel. It was not, however baked as any sort of camelid pie shell, but was rather a very nice camel that wasn't as spitty as most. I received no infant cracker camel on *my* wedding day. It was Vegas though, and I did see the white tigers before they ate Roy, so close enough. PS...If somebody manages to batter and deepfry a delicious turducken, I'm in.
  • Occasionally there is a thread on MoFi for which I can formulate no comment. *?
  • PETE! NOOOOOOOOooooo Don't let me down like this! *sobs*
  • I suggest we stuff a boneless Fes inside a boneless HawthorneWingo tucked inside a belligerent semi-boned Chyren and feed it to petebest. Then he will comment that it "needs salt".
  • Hah. "Semi-boned." Hah.
  • Hence the belligerence.
  • I never go off half cooked.
  • Doesn't surprise me. Generally, the bird has to be fully cooked and really hot to go off well. My usual comment to Chyren: Get stuffed. Oh, and make sure Hawthorn's Wingo's have those little tinfoil caps put on so they don't get overdone in the oven. *passes Pete the salt*
  • Oops, I don't want that misconstrued. I say that to you lovingly, you little green freak. Who coined that phrase anyway? Cracks me up every time I think of it. *dodders out of the room*
  • If you mean referring to Chy as a "little green freak", or "moon man", I do believe it was quidnewt.
  • If I have to be in the center, I respectfully request that we use a bit extra Crisco.
  • The Poor Man has a special recipe for you. So worth it for the last line.
  • every time that it's been fed to me. Goetter, you mean to say you've had turducken multiple times? The theological implications are, well, not much. The gastronomic implications on the other hand... they could have called it the enducktur. That is, in fact, Turducken's arch-nemesis. All cower in the shadow of Enducktur!
  • From the Diamond Jim link: "...the meal included two or three dozen Lynnhaven oysters, six crabs, several bowls of green turtle soup, sex or seven lobsters..." Decisions, decisions...
  • It's amazing how many times people try and slip deep-fried human head into dishes...
  • That is way too many bird assholes.
  • Woodcock, eh? That's up Kit's alley, isn't it?small>
  • And I wanna prevwie button for Xmas. PLZKTHNX.
  • As I often remark, there's still room for a sparrow up there.
  • A bird inside a bird inside a bird inside a bird Is what we had for merry Christmas dinner But Kit and Pete, the Cap and Koko, I distinctly heard Them say, "Couldn't you get another in 'er?"
  • TUM: I lubs it. I cn hav mor potry plz? kthxbye