September 23, 2005
PhotogenicMasks have been created for anyone who desires to become a girl.
Creepy, realistic masks. I can only imagine what people may want with these...
Shamelessly stolen from...
I'd give points to the creepiness factor, since the "skin" is probably not going to move much.
It's like a realdoll that moves... Cue creation of new fetish for thousands and phobia for me in three...two...
i think the fetish has been around for a while. this page (site prob nsfw, though page itself is just weird) includes a photo of an "early masker" from 1951.
Updated: Yes, you can go back to being yourself quickly, and at anytime or place. Thank Baal for that.
"It puts the lotion on..."
Everyone, may I present the distinguished psychiatrist and fellow masker, Dr. Decker.
The pics where they're looking in a mirror go some way to answering just what people will be doing while they wear these things...
Turning Japanese indeed...
I thank you.
I'll give them one thing: those masks are more human-looking than yesterday's chap.
For $900, I'd want it to endow me with super-powers.
*nods to Fes, puts "Nightbreed" on must-rent-again-soon list*
No no no no no no no no no no no
...but I donwanna be a girl...
♫ Oh, I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok...♫
Great disguises to escape the scene if you're a sniper.
Go no further than maskon! *shudder*
I'm gonna get my girlfriend one of these!!!
/can think of a thousand ways to use those /goes off to bleach mind
Shouldn't the site show us regular people not wearing the mask and then the same person wearing the mask? As it is, there is no way to demonstrate how the mask will actually look when worn. If I am going to shell out 900 dollars, I probably don't want a product that will be so changed by the shape of one's head or face that it will look nothing like the product that I think I am buying.
she looks like Kelly
Euro3 looks to me like Caroline Catz, pictured here from the BBC series "The Bill." I'da used a still from her role in "Look Me in the Eye" but it's NSFW. As far as the looking in the mirror thing? I would definitely have my way with myself if I looked like Caroline Catz.
bernockle, why spend the 900 bucks? I found what you're looking for. It seems like a real money saver.
Give a hoot, don't pollute!
does that come with jizz?
lol! Mr. Knickerbocker.
I applaud the naturalistic stuffing technique of the male models in the E1 gallery. Their "sit-like-a-girl" posture seems a little odd to me, though.