September 22, 2005

Body Issues, Man-Style Wherein one man spends much money and time too look "better." via Towleroad.

There is no part of his face off which you could not bounce a quarter. And is it just me, or does he look like there are electrodes implanted somewhere the sun doesn't shine that are keeping his eyes that wide open?

  • *shudder* Gallery is NSFW, btw.
  • I'm vain as the next moke, more than most, but I'm pretty much stickin' with what the intelligent designer gave me.
  • I have some questions for him, by the way. Question 1. Where the f**k did all my godd**ned hair go, motherf**ker??
  • The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.
  • He needed it to match the color of his face.
  • Ditto on the *shudder* Does anyone remember seeing an "animation" of real photographs of a man losing a bunch of weight, over the course of a year or so? I thought this might be that at first ...
  • He looks like a Sim.
  • Where's the gallery?
  • Nevermind. I was looking for a gallery of his procedures. All I found was gay porn.
  • Check out those implants, boys (last photo, under Männer: immer öfter beim Schönheitschirurgen). Woo-woo!!
  • Frightening.
  • He's got boobies!! Also, "Psychische Probleme" indeed!
  • He looks like one of the marionettes on that "Team America" Trey Parker/Matt Stone movie.
  • He looks familiar; not a Ken doll, but familiar ... then kittenhead nailed it -- a marionette. Which makes sense, in light of the electodes es el Queso mentioned.
  • Wasn't this an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force?
  • Too bad we can't put this guy into suspended animation. Decades from now when they've finally perfected an andriod body, just thaw this guy out and instant volunteer!
  • Hey, ilyadeux!
  • *double-takes* Now that that's a name that I haven't heard in a long time... a long time.
  • Hey, looka-there! And kudos to goetter-wan Kenobi.
  • hello again dear simian friends! I've been travelling ... then moving ... then a new job, then moving again, and now in school again, being daily frustrated and befuddled by a whole new set of academic regulations. So, you know: school = an internet connection I can't get fired for abusing. Whoo! So darling to be recognised though (whoo, again) and I love that now I have a seriously low membership number.
  • Bicep implants? Dear Lord. At least my biceps work. Notice that he has a neck like a chook.
  • *waves to ilyadeux*
  • Oh, I knew I recognised that username. Nice to see you, ilyadeux.
  • Work is blocking this site for me, but if it's the guy who I think it is, I'm kind of glad...
  • Wow. First it happened to robotics then animation, and now to plastic surgery. There needs to be an entry in Wikipedia for this.
  • I have some questions for him, by the way. Question 1. Where the f**k did all my godd**ned hair go, motherf**ker?? Fes - Check your nose, ears, back, and ass.
  • ah, there it is, thanks! and thank YOU, intelligent designer, for thinking ahead and knowing I'd need supplemental orifice filtering systems as I grow older!
  • Ha ha! Kit's boss is going to see he was trying to check out gay porn at work! Sweet..!
  • His boss will be all, "we have to talk", and he'll be all, "it's not what it looks like", and his boss will be all, "it's really none of my business what your sexual preference is", and he'll be all, "no no, you don't understand", and his boss will be all, "it's ok, just no gay porn during office hours", and he'll be all, "but SIR!", and his boss will be all, "dismissed!" burn!
  • hahahahahaha
  • ah, there it is, thanks! and thank YOU, intelligent designer, for thinking ahead and knowing I'd need supplemental orifice filtering systems as I grow older HAHAHHA...that's funny
  • I'm sure his eyes are like the possessed girl in The Exorcist... /me hides behind a pillow
  • I came across a webcam once. Japanese doll-fetishist. Guy was sitting at his computer dressed in an anime-style outfit with an anime-style mask. No expression, of course. Just sat there, occasionally glancing over at the camera. Made me suspect it was a loop, but somehow I don't think so...
  • Happy Sabrina! Although I don't have much luck with the webcam... and this seems to tie into kitfisto's PhotogenicMasks post.
  • He lokks like he's permanently got a finger up his arse, unexpectedly...
  • "I'm content with myself now because I've done everything that bothered me," says Steve, who says he looked like a cross between PATRICK SWAYZE and DAVID HASSELHOFF before he underwent his various surgeries. Weird. I wonder who he thinks he looks like now, post-surgeries. And also how old he is.
  • MonkeyFilter: Supplemental orifice filtering systems I don't know if it's truly in the spirit of a tagline, but it certainly deserves to be immortalized. teh funny
  • Blue, how can you possibly immortalize that in preference to the equally deathless Monkeyfilter: Check your nose, ears, back, and ass?? Advice for the ages, that.
  • Ah, Goetter. Thanks for the recovery. GramMa's slipping. *drops dentures, drools, shuffles off
  • Am I the only one who thinks the guy in the link looks like Loretta Swit?
  • No. I met Loretta Swit once. She has a very weak handshake.
  • It's that deep philtrum.