September 16, 2005

A Chinese cosmetics company is using skin harvested from the corpses of executed convicts to develop beauty products for sale in Europe. A Guardian investigation. Also mentions the use of tissue from aborted foetuses as filler in collagen products.
  • Eeew, not something worth digging a hole for.
  • OK...the problem is?? And, could we use a more discriptive word than "harvested from"? How about "flayed", or "ripped from with bloody tongs", how about "chewed off of"... Darn, this is an FPP on Monkey Filter, let's show a little pride here!
  • Coffee for you, Bob?
  • twas all a joke, yanking your chain, pulling your leg (any skin removed with that?), fish tick.... no coffee necessary! :-)
  • corpses---->zombies---->HuronBob! Twas quoting from the linked article btw (but I think you already knew that). I'll take a coffee fish tick!
  • I'm trapped in Mr. Knickerbocker's laundryroom; how a snort of fabric softener instead?
  • I'll take a swig. Try to keep the socks out though, please. *holds out coffee mug*
  • "Mountain fresh" or "spring morning"?
  • Mountain fresh please, it sounds mildly refreshing. Unless of course spring morning is more viscous. I likes me a good viscid beverage! Slow down the throat... mmmm... This is not the way I envisioned this thread going - but then again, they never do
  • Personally, I prefer to roll up the softener sheets and smoke 'em- a cool, yet waxy smoke. keeps the thoughts from sticking.
  • Myself, I prefer Chinese makeup products. Their foundation and powder give my skin a corpse-like lividity.
  • Just don't drop the soap.
  • what novelty the would-be beauty seeks as dead men's eyes do glitter on her cheeks from the executed small flakes of skin adhere to let mortality sink in
  • Beautiful, bees!
  • Wow. That was grand on many levels bees!
  • Well y'know, in this day and age virgins are getting harder to find, and when you finally DO they get all skeevy about letting you bathe in their blood, so what's a girl to do? Come on, this is beauty. It's important.
  • "Manufacturers of aesthetic fillers said they had seen Chinese collagen products on sale at trade fairs, but had not seen any labelled Chinese-made in the UK."
    My question is have they been seeing "fillers" labelled made-of-Chinese?
  • I'd heard of the placenta thing before, as being used in lip balms. Put me off Carmex. No idea if it's actually true.
  • Those wasteful Chinese! Don't they know we need those aborted fetuses for stem cell research?
  • Several months ago we lit a couple of crappy Wal-Mart candles for dinner. I have never heard of greasy candles before, but these were, and they burned poorly. After it burned out I turned it upside down and saw "Made in China" on the bottom. Now I have no idea what to think.
  • A friend of mine had a college job in a warehouse that trafficed raw materials for the cosmetic industry. A truck would arrive, he'd offload the barrels, then another truck would arrive and he'd stick some back on it along with barrels from various other truck loads. He didn't mind the job so much except when the occasional barrel would leak or pop open. What was inside? Human placentas. There's just no washing that stuff off once you get home. And my mother always wondered why I don't wear make-up...
  • Your stories kinda freaked me out rolypolyman and nonbinary. Guess you *never* *really* know... *shudders at the thought*
  • Have we all forgotten Fight Club?! It's peeeple! *in best Charlton Heston voice*
  • sugarmilktea... just to make you shake all the more I'll add that the placentas weren't even refrigerated. This of that next time you're kissing someone with lipstick or gloss. Rotten, fetid placenta.
  • er..."think" not "this" damn the spell checker that isn't psychic!
  • I have probably consumed over forty pounds of my own dead skin over the years.
  • "Tis all Hemingway's fault that now I must this and that in the milk of your spell checker.
  • Geez, maybe I'm naive, but I had no idea that this was happening. I'm horrified, but I suppose it's no different, really, than using products made from whale fat. Thankfully, I use little on my face as it is, but I will be even more vigilant about what I do use. What make-up products can be trusted? I suppose this extends to lotions and such, too. That's just great.
  • OK...all of you!! Do not make me stop this internet and come back there! (or I'll link to my zombie pictures again!)
  • Carmex, really? Crap, I have a jar in every room of my house. *sigh*
  • What make-up products can be trusted? Personally, I'd rather use ingredients from humans who were being killed anyway for other reasons, than from, say, civets who were being abused and killed only for the sake of those ingredients.
  • *opens umbrella*
  • Carmex has ground up glass in it, so people have to keep using it! I know this is true because my neighbor's daughter interned there for a summer.
  • Carmex has ground up glass in it, so people have to keep using it! C'mon! Who the hell is spreading all this talk about Carmex? Balmex I bet...
  • It doesn't cause cancer, either. But many people are allergic to lanolin, which can keep the lips chapped.
  • This of that next time you're kissing someone with lipstick or gloss. Rotten, fetid placenta. Oh, thanks a MILLION, there. /Flagpole fears just what mental image will spontaneously pop-up next time he's anywhere near some female lips
  • Well, aside from the fact that the death penalty is inhumane and unjust, I see no actual problem with harvesting material from human corpses. We should be concerned with the human rights of the people *before* they have the tops of their heads blown off by several rounds at point-blank range from an AK47.
  • As my ex used to say, "you shouldn't kill people unless you're going to eat them". ... and then I ate him.
  • The interests of the cosnetivs industry seem to be valued over individual health with this. Suggest people look into making their own cosmetics if this is going to become common practice.
  • Indeed, bees. I've been doing so ever since the unfortunate demise of dear Horace.
  • Hmmm.... Maybe if we made it a law that all beauty products had to use skin harvested from executed criminals, people would be upset about the death penalty.
  • Or there would be a lot more people looking like themselves. Heh.
  • Monkeyfilter: Rotten, fetid placenta.
  • We should be concerned with the human rights of the people *before* they have the tops of their heads blown off That's actually why I posted this article to begin with. It made me wonder how many of those executed people were just simply practicing Falun Gong for example... And now, perhaps, their tissue resides in someone's lips.
  • Mary Kay won't stand for this.
  • Somehow I find it hard to believe that hospitals would release human placenta in this day and age. At minimum, they should be labeled as being a biohazard. I'll have to talk with the ops people Tuesday when I'm at work. Now COW placenta is another story. NonB: not disrespecting you, just wondering if someone was adding to the ick factor on this.
  • That's actually why I posted this article to begin with. It made me wonder how many of those executed people were just simply practicing Falun Gong for example... And now, perhaps, their tissue resides in someone's lips. Well, that's a topic unto itself..... Great, just great. Now, not only is it gross, but there will be a major guilt factor involved. It wouldn't be so bad if it was limited to violent criminals.'s still bad. You know, I just don't want to wear people on my lips, and I suppose I should really not want to wear criminals on my lips, better to wear.......oh, never mind.
  • It's true!
  • Nonbinary: I'll apologize as soon as I get done puking.
  • Politics aside, it's somewhat depressing that the cosmetics industry seems to be trumping research and development into actual medical cures. Looks like looking good is better than curing disease. More money to be made, maybe.
  • I'm surprised that no one's picked up on this scenario: Let's say that business increases. They see a need to execute more criminals to obtain the badly needed 'product'. They start picking and choosing others who's criminal acts weren't so serious in the first place (Falun Gong, anyone?). Next they start hauling in people with traffic violations and shouting 'Off With His Head!'. And on and on and on... Then they start exporting the process overseas! It comes to 'murican prisons! Everyone's buying more and more beauty products! More people are dying! When does it all end? 'I died because of Wal Mart's beauty department needs.'
  • No doubt brought forth by the same bright lads who came up with the idea of feeding cattle on feed containing leftover bits of dead cows.
  • Well, I told my wife about this, because she has collagen in her lips, and I said "how do you feel about that?" Her reply: "I couldn't care less! As long as my lips are plump, I don't care if the collagen comes from the arse of a chook." So.. :|
  • Chy's kissing chicken butts again.
  • Cloacal osculation - nuffin' finer, eh? Eh?
  • Cloaca is such a great word.