September 15, 2005
The Work Blind, leading the competition in workplace slacking efficiency.
awesome. I want one.
But...the glare from the lights... I can't imagine this ever actually working beyond being something kind of cool.
It would work if Wile E. Coyote is your department head.
a solid curtain is still a solid curtain.... it gives you time to close your porn windows and look like you were actually workinn.
Is this link safe for work?
He says in his followup that it's not supposed to literally fool people, right? S'cute.
[this is good]
Neat idea, but it seems like a lot of work. One should never expend more energy avoiding work than in actually working.
One should never expend more energy avoiding work than in actually working. Capt, in that one sentence, you just invalidated my entire existence.
yea, whats your problem captain
I -- I don't know..! It's this chair -- something in the way this big chair is placed behind this big desk...