September 14, 2005
Very cool. I'd love to shape/make my own board. Too many other priorities right now, though, in terms of creative projects. Do you surf, hama7? I'm a 40something NorCal longboarder who goes out in Pacifica and sometimes Ocean Beach (SF) and occasionally gets down to surf the points/reefs of Santa Cruz. I love the glide. Very cool thing: A high school buddy from back east was here last weekend with his kid (looking at colleges -- yes, we're that old now). My buddy and I used to spend 8+ hours per diem in the water back in the day (boogieboarding, mostly). So we go to the beach, and while his son text messages his girlfriend back east and listens to his iPod, we proceed to surf for about 4 hours, at least 2 hours longer than I usually go out. We felt like kids. It was awesome (until I limped to the bathroom when I woke up the next morning).
Right on. Thanks for this.
I've always wanted to learn to surf. Sadly, I'm landlocked.
Do you surf, hama7? Haven't in a while, but the thought of making my own board might cause me to take it up again. I was also reminded of how much I enjoyed surfing as I watched Singlefin: Yellow recently. Highly recommended if you're a longboard glider type, or any type, really.