August 26, 2005

Cats. In sinks.

Just keepin the SideDish spirit alive.

  • Awwwww. Just makes one want to reach for the tap.
  • Yeah. They love that.
  • So purr-ty!
  • MONSTERS!!!11 If you leave those poor kittens in there for too long they're going to grow all bowl-shaped!!! Someone must shut that site down now!!!!!
  • As I apparently haven't been paying attention, what with conferences and the like going on at the time, what happened to SideDish? And the cats are very cute.
  • This is what the internet was invented for.
  • She's too busy to play out at the moment.
  • Ah, okay. Thx.
  • *slowly reaches for disposal switch*
  • I love the ones with TWO cats in the sink. So cozy.
  • I like the 'Fuck you, so i'm in the sink' expression some of 'em have. Like they're all that and a bag of chips.
  • Where is the CatsInMicroWaves site?
  • Thank you, kit. I was having a crappy day at work. It is better now. What frightens me is that I recognized Allybug and Izzy from the kittypix community on livejournal.
  • I have a cat who does this. He hates drinking water out of a bowl constantly nags for dripping faucet. And we're softies so we do it. We also have a big bowl of fresh water right by the sink. I'm hoping he does actually drink out of it when we're not around, because I've never seen him do it while we are.
  • Kimberly, cats of that persuasion in my experience seem to enjoy brackish pools, puddles or bird baths with green algae to drink from, rather than 'pure' water. I know this from personal experience of trying to get my black furry Conrad to drink water in my presence (but I have caught her drinking it when she thinks I'm not looking).
  • Dogs have owners. Cats have assistants.
  • I like the 'Fuck you, so i'm in the sink' expression some of 'em have. I like the confused look on some of them, like "how I am in sink?"
  • *misses my baby*
  • Two questions: 1) Who the hell are these people? 2) Where the fuck do you find this stuff?
  • Oh, I've had nightmares where something like this was present. And yes, cats like to drink from faucets. 7Mb .MOV file, pertinent scene begins at 35 secs. Found a long time ago while searching for reviews of this camera, not that I'm some kind of kitty pervert or anything... *cough*
  • My cat likes to drink from the toilet, but I try to discourage that.
  • "Ah, there's your problem: Calico in the P trap. That'll be fifty bucks..."
  • thursday: I did too :D Ally and my bella exchanged kitty x-mas gifts last year :) I love the pictures from when Izzy was young and little. And when Ally was little... and now... :: melts in a pool of kitty cuteness goo ::
  • That was ridiculously ADORABLE!!! BTW, check out this cat.
  • I know it's kinda neurotic and all that, but look at just who posted it, ok? I think we're entitled to a tiny little w00t about that, no?
  • We scoop 'em all the time.
  • If it's making the rounds, he probably didn't get it here, but from a friend or something. It happens. I do try to via when I have a place (that isn't channel 4 news email, bbc or google).
  • It was on Linkfilter, then here, then in the B3TA newsletter, then teh blue if we really absolutely must trace it's most recent journey...
  • So you mean we're NOT omniscient? Dammit...
  • We operate more along the lines of the trash heap from Fraggle Rock...
  • Fucking Fraggles.
  • Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that mathowie got it from here, just that it tickled me pink to see him FPP it days after kit posted it here (^_^)
  • I am diggy the J-Walk.
  • Dogs in Tubs
  • I found many of those pic disturbing. I haven't had brekky yet!