August 25, 2005

Beavis & Butt-Head return!!!! Maybe I'm just one of them there 90's Gen-X slackers. But news that Beavis and Butthead are going to be on the MTV VMA Awards this weekend and that Beavis And Butt-Head: The Mike Judge Collection Vol. 1 will be released on DVD in November. Uh, huh-huh-huh, cool...
  • I recall watching in awe at B&BH, amazed at the crappy animation, inane dialogue and crude (if sometimes really funny, truth be told) jokes, thinking: "TV can't get lower than this". Ha. Ha!
  • It was a very good, very smart, very very well-written show. For your reference: Frasier = show about high class characters who use big words and dress well B + BH = smart show I suspect the main reason for this appearance is to promote the DVD as well as Mike Judge's new movie, but B + BH have never really gone away, at least not among the people I hang out with...
  • I saw the B&Bh movie having never really heard of them before. At that tender stage of my development, Cornholio was hil-air-ious.
  • I found most BBH un-watchable...but the Cornholio episodes were amongst the funniest things I've ever seen.
  • I remember, the first time I saw "the boys" (as a couple of friends and I came to refer to B&BH), thinking, "Holy crap, this captures the emotional life of a junior high school-aged boy absolutely perfectly." Not to say that hot chicks and bands that rock don't, like, still totally rule. Heh-heh.
  • Where I come from we have no bungholes! is still one of the genius lines of comedy.
  • I saw very little of it. The repetition was mind-blowing. I could not believe that the laughter went on for as long as it did. Typically, for me to be surprised, I need for something to happen that surprises me in some some sort of clever, shocking, or deceptive way. Beavis and Butt-Head was doing the predictable, and doing it over and over. It struck me as the kind of thing that people found funnier because of its repetition. That is how Saturday Night Live often works. That is how Seinfeld occassionally worked. And it certainly is how people who view a comedy 20-plus times only to find it continually funnier work. The idea that they know what is coming and it still happens is funny to them. The Simpsons has parodied that comedic notion previously.
  • The huh-huh-huhs weren't just repetitive, it was background to the true genius of the show - the one incisive comment delivered from a dumb awkward kid that just kicked through everything to be completely spot-on. One I remember was B&B watching a Beck video - he's playing an acoustic guitar with a plastic spork stuck in the headstock, wearing a blue short-sleeve button down shirt and acting a bit lethargic while singing. "Uhh . . this kid's, like, in the gifted class." heheheh. Too fuckin' funny.
  • I have yet to meet a man my age who can't do a decent Cornholio impression.
  • I would love to see some B&B episodes released WITH the videos they were commenting on, but I hear that rights issues put the ixnay on that. The only compilations I've seen have just the "adventure" interludes from the show, which were really just that--interludes between the commentary on the videos. Watching B&B without that is for me like watching MST3K without the movie--just the in-between skits. And I liked Cornholio, but it got old REAL fast. My favorite images were of Coach Buzzcut demanding to be kicked in the jimmy, and of the hearts floating around B&B's heads when they were trying to make good with whatever the older teenage guy's name was. Funny stuff.
  • His name was Todd, and you made him spill beer on his good jeans!
  • My boyfriend had a band in the 80's and one of their videos was featured on B&Bh. He was thrilled, especially because B&Bh trashed them.
  • Tenacious Pettle, Not that I would advocate this kind of thing, but I found the intact versions of B&BH with videos on Limewire.
  • My favorite B&Bh: Bh: It was us, Beavis and Butthead, the whole time! B: Yeah, we were - inburrito Still makes me laugh.
  • kimdog: Yeah, I heard that Ween, who was viciously trashed by B&B ("Uh...these guys have no future."), sold about 1500 more units every time their episode aired. And of course White Zombie famously got their push on B&B for "Thunderkiss '69", without which we would not have the glories of House of 1000 Corpses. So I thank them for that. I also thank them for introducing me to GWAR for the first time. And for the term "fartknocker."
  • btw--what was your bf's band?
  • B&B was groundbreaking in its day (vulgar cartoons? well, I never!!), but has since been replaced by far better efforts such as The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc. I got a kick outta B&B back then, but I can't stand to watch it anymore. Maybe if I smoked more weed...
  • B&B rose above cultural boundaries! Heh. Had a roommate from S. Korea in my first year of college. He spoke absolutely no English. He usually locked himself in the bedroom for days at a time (probably because of the crazy Brit who always dropped by to smoke giant doobies; this was in a "suite" with four bedrooms). Everyone else tended to make fun of him. The only way we ever communicated was when he girlfriend stopped by (she was able to speak English, so she often acted as "translator"). That is, until B&B brough us together! For 30 minutes, the two of us would sit and watch, and laugh... Stupid, yes. But we actually "bonded" somehow through that medium. Oh yeah, the one other thing that he liked in particular, the video for Beck's "Loser." *hi-fives to you Sung Joon*
  • I can't say. He googles it every so often, and if it leads to me talking smack on a message board, he'll get testy. (omateens-cay... holy cow, it's a truly useful purpose for pig latin!)
  • Bands that appeared on B&B *Note: Red Hot Chili Peppers *wins* with three appearances. Faith No More, GWAR, Judas Priest, Megadeath, Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, The Ramones and ZZ Top all tie for having two appearances.
  • I love B&BH because they seemed just like the guys I grew up with. I thought it was because Judge is from Texas that gave me that "I know those guys!" feeling. (when I first moved out of Texas, I'd get horribly homesick, and I'd watch *anything* to hear "home" accents again. B&BH was one of the few good shows -- Walker, Texas Ranger anyone?) Then I found out that, accent aside, everyone knows "those guys." And the video commentary was fantastic. (Are they gonna be on the dvd?)
  • According to to this listing there will be "11 Original Music Videos with Beavis And Butt-Head commentary" So i'm not sure what that means. It could be the original videos, or perhaps they made new videos to go with the old commentary or perhaps they are commentary on new (current) videos????
  • I remember spending most of my 17th-birthday money on B&BH stuff (like the Burger World employee shirt, etc). My 40-year-old mother, after getting over the intital "WTF is this?" *loved* B&BH. My wife (she's 31) does too - we recently found what we needed to complete an "every episode" collection in various formats. I've also bought the Time-Life DVD sets, and will be buying these new ones.
  • My best friend and I used to speak pig-latin to each other all the time, to keep our conversations sufficiently secret and nerdly. However, we went a bit further, putting the "-ay" on every syllable rather than every word (avoiding obvious translatables like "encyclopedia-way", which thus became "enway-ycslay-oway-eedpay-eeday-away"), rendering it pretty inpenetrable when spoken quickly. And we were quite fluent. And nerdly. Obwayeevaouslayeeway.
  • Dillweed.
  • Assmunch.
  • Turdburglar.
  • Walker, Texas Ranger anyone? Everytime I hear that theme song, I start laughing uncontrollably! I can't believe the made let him sing the theme song!
  • I would love to see some B&B episodes released WITH the videos they were commenting on I know, those were the best parts, but sadly music rights make them impossible to reproduce for home video I think. If you really want them bad, I have some VHS's I could hook you up with for postage... [watching Grim Reaper video] BEAVIS: that guy won the hog contest at the state fair ... ... Cause he's FAT!!
  • Piiipe!
  • College music sucks.
  • The very first B&Bh cartoon was shown on MTV's old animation showcase titled "Liquid Television", along with some other Mike Judge riffs (including one with an office worker that was the seed for "Office Space"). So it is with absolute authority that I say... "FROG BASEBALLLLLLL!!!"
  • Was the office worker on Liquid Television or was he just on Saturday Night Live? I KNOW that they aired on SNL, but did they originally air on MTV?
  • Office worker on LTV... mmmhh... I think I recall that... /goes off digging for aeons(ha!)-old LTV VHS tapes
  • Wendell's all, like, "I was into them back when they put out their first album, before they sold out and shit." Frog baseball rules. So does Jesus and Santa wrestling. (I have a friend back east who claims Beavis & Butthead is East Coast and South Park is West Coast, or, alternately, that B&BH is alcohol and South Park is marijuana.)
  • Yes, the office worker was in those early Liquid TV eps.
  • I knew a venerable Oxford English don who declared Beavis and Butt-Head to be his new linguistic icons, since they had reduced the English language to its simplest yet most effective terms. I also have B&BH to thank for the phrase "Stop, in the name of all that which does not suck!!!"
  • Or, after catching a glimpse of cleavage: "I have seen the mountaintop . . . and it is good"
  • Often, I've overheard Mr. Mickey say, "Come to Butthead." He's usually talking to his sandwich.
  • Techsmith: yes, the themesong! They filmed that show around my hometown, so one time my dad and I got to watch them blow up a house. (I think it was Sandra Brown, the romance and mystery novelist's.) It was cool. They get the geography of the place really wrong, though, which is fun: Now they're in Dallas! Now they're in Ft. Worth! Now they're waaaaaay north of town! All in ten minutes!
  • Ach! It's taken me almost forty-eight hours to figuree that TP must mean toilet papaer. /bee-wildered
  • Oh, good grief, Bees. Can I beewilder you with OJ?
  • *stares accusingly at BlueHorse* Ye knew about TP? and ye didn't tell me? Teepee Tapioca pudding Toothpaste Thomas Percy Trite phrase Test paper Tom Petty Trojan prince Totem pole Thoroughly pissed Thomas Peacock Turnip patch Bumf. Humph!
  • So, bees, that's why you have a totem pole in your bathroom...
  • Is that a totem pole in your pocket?
  • I don't know. Is that a turnip patch in yours? Sorry. It's just that your line was, like . . . well, imagine how big a volleyball spiker's eyes get when she's given a good set.