August 25, 2005

Is my child becoming GAY?! Helping Boys Become Men, and Girls Become Women.

It's been far too civil around here lately.

  • I say turn 'em over to a pedophile of the opposite sex before puberty!! That'll head off teh gay!
  • Or to a guy who really likes Star Trek.
  • This isn't the way to the Piggly Wiggly!
  • WHY, NICK, WHY?????? (Echos persist.) On the other hand, do you really think that a bunch of us are going to get together behind that outdated opinion piece? Or should we circle jerk to show that we all know better? Either way, it's pretty boring. The only other thing I can think of to do in response to this in an uncivil manner is to: ATTACK NICK DANGER. Sir, you're a wuss. (Not that I really think so, but what do I know?) on the other hand, we could have an end of thread party, which has nothing to do with the link. The drinks are on me!
  • This "outdated opinion piece" will soon be the framework for a substantial amount of legislation in the USA, path. In Texas there is a strongly supported movement to deny adoption and foster parent rights to same sex couples, for instance. Just in case they get any gay all over the innocent children. Read it, examine it, scoff and protest it, but don't trivialize it.
  • Sir, you're a wuss. (Not that I really think so, but what do I know? I don't think I get this joke.
  • Seconded, path. Testify! Sincerest apologies, Mr. Danger, but circumstances force me to affirm that you are, indeed, a wuss.
  • greybeard.
  • It's just a matter of time. Until we get to the Piggly Wiggly, that is. And you know what that means.
  • all comments must now end with "greybeard." greybeard.
  • What the hell with the greybeard? Truly, though, theirs is an agenda that benefits from this kind of tubthumping. Concerned parents buy it. And why the wuss approbation? OK, greybeard
  • Nick - I thought I was making it pretty clear that it was a joke. (Sorta doing a turn on the "if you're at all sensitive, and male, you must have Gay Tendencies, which I think is pretty stupid.) Sorry if I hurt your feelings. On the other hand, the only purpose I could find for the link was for all us liberal folks with Gay Tendencies to make fun of yet another unimportant fundamentalist web site. And, yeah, some folks in the conservative south, including Texas in this event, will attempt to bring back the good old days when men were men, and girls wore crinolines (ouchie.) (Though I think Texas women are tough enough to put a stop to that.) I really do appreciate the humor of Texans and the mean streak that saves them from being a parody. I'm descended from a bunch of them.
  • i'm not sure what all this about, but here goes anyway... gaybeard
  • oh, wait...
  • I once heard a Southerner say "If there's anything more insufferable than a Yankee, it's a Texan." /flame on, greybeard
  • You're a dick. There, that should get things rollin'.
  • Do we have to get things rolling?
  • I can understand that pat. But, may I point out that this is not some unimportant fundamentalist site, but Focus on the Family? The organization founded and run by Dr. James Dobson ? Who some say is the most politically powerful Evangelical in America today? This is why I posted it. It's important, it's topical, and many people are unaware of just how pervasive this type of thinking is. And regarding the wuss thing, I was right, I didn't get the joke. Thanks for clarifying it.
  • Pile on path!
  • Not all gay men act like women. One time I saw an entire steel mill on television that featured nothing but gay steel workers. You can't get more masculine than steel workers.
  • I'd never heard of Dobson before, or Focus on the Family, and I've read every thread on Me and Mofi on this subject for years. But his message about teh gay isn't any different from the other fundamentalists, as far as I can tell. And, there have been a lot of them. My feeling is there's nothing I can do to persuade the believers that they should abandon their preconceptions. But, I live in a state (California)which has made some progress in recognizing the rights of folks with non-mainstream life styles. I mean, men here were wearing pink shirts in the late 50s, when the rest of the country thought that was so gay, but by the 70s, pink shirts were in in Oklahoma, of all places. The same with long hair for men. Look at all the country/western guys who've made long hair a macho thing. I don't mean to trivialize your concerns with cosmetic progress news, but I do think that the liberal life choices spread out to the more conservative states. Getting acceptance for homosexuality in the conservative south will, I'm sure, take eons, but, since I don't think Dobson will read what we write here, or be persuaded if he did, nor will the other conservative Christians, so what's the point? Maybe the point is for those who dwell in the conservative south to take action. My protest in California would only exaserbate the problem in Texas, as far as I can tell.
  • Oh, and, none of the gay friends I've known acted like women, unless they wanted to. But, basically, the were guys.
  • I don't think Dobson will read what we write here, or be persuaded if he did, nor will the other conservative Christians, so what's the point? Path, I must be missing your point. Are you saying that we shouldn't bother with this tripe, or that it's not important enough to reply to, or something else?
  • No, I saying that responding to this post gets us nowhere.
  • Ahh... I can see that. But I, for one, appreciate this FPP, even with no replies. (Actually, I take that back. I didn't know this was related to Dobson and FotF until I read it in the replies.)
  • Maybe the point is for those who dwell in the conservative south to take action. We do, dear lady, we do. But you understand, it's quite the uphill battle. We're gonna need a little time down here. For the record, it's not just the south. There are sizeable bastions of cultural conservatism and bigotry (not to conflate the two) on the other side of the Mason-Dixon line.
  • Besides which, nobody has commented on teh kewt baby I linked above. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
  • I liked the baby, mct.
  • Kinda purty, weren't she?
  • greybeard greybeard.
  • Yo, I believe I said something upthread. It is a calculated attempt to get a rise out of parents who are "concerned". It might be old or irrelevant, but it should be out there for consideration. You complacent bores are too messed up to consider this shit.
  • PeeEss: greybeard.
  • Can one be complacent and messed up? Nine out of ten people say "meh". Really this link is laughable. When shown to a group of openminded adults (such as MoFi is presumed to be), no one is going to take it seriously except as a prime example of the narrowmindedness of the writers, and the fact that people (or legislators) will seek out information that supports what they already believe to be true. But look at the baby!
  • Oh yeah, greybeard, and right on path. I think.
  • That has to be the stupidest thing I've seen in a long time. Numbers don't mean anything. They could ask ten people, and say that 10% of Americans like (blank). Just because someone displays 'effminate' carateristics, dosen't mean that they're gay. I'm as effminate as it gets, but I'm straight. Losers. >_<
  • You are all gay. Let's do it till it squeaks!!!
  • I just read until I found the NABLA reference. I knew it had to be there somewhere. I agree with the idea they put forward that they (teh evil Gays) are trying to lower the age of consent around the world. Before long, they age of consent will be so low that they will be having sex with PREGNANT WOMEN! Horrible! greybeard wheee! let's all make fun of the new guy!
  • *fires up viking ship and kittens* Greybeard
  • *feels bad*
  • MonkeyFilter: Do we have to get things rolling? MonkeyFilter: You should all be ashamed of yourselves. MonkeyFilter: You complacent bores are too messed up to consider this shit. So what is all this stuff about? greybeard
  • Well, I feel good about the post because, if nothing else, path's ears will prick up when she hears the name Dr. James Dobson. Should anyone else be interested in the Colorado Springs Evangelical Revolution and it's influence on US politics, I direct you to an excellent article from Harpers Mag, Soldiers of Christ. Pastor Ted, who talks to President George W. Bush or his advisers every Monday, is a handsome forty-eight-year-old Indianan, most comfortable in denim. He likes to say that his only disagreement with the President is automotive; Bush drives a Ford pickup, whereas Pastor Ted loves his Chevy. In addition to New Life, Pastor Ted presides over the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), whose 45,000 churches and 30 million believers make up the nation’s most powerful religious lobbying group, and also over a smaller network of his own creation, the Association of Life-Giving Churches, 300 or so congregations modeled on New Life’s “free market” approach to the divine.
  • MonkeyFilter: Greybeard
  • Im going to Kaua'i tomorrow with my superhot lesbo lover , does anyone know if theres anything Queer to do or see there? um, greybeard...
  • Great derail, beehips!
  • *stares blankly*
  • Hey Beehips, do you need travel insurance?
  • The lovely and talented beehips and I just returned from Kuau'i. The whole island is kind of queer. Do what you want. The store opens whenever the proprietor shows up and close when they get tired. Everything is so damn beautiful there that it's hard to be surly. But I have to say... Many American tourists from the mainland are pretty embarrassing. Asking rude questions and leaving everything trashed. Just generally being overly demanding. We spent a lot of time making fun of them with the locals. If anyone wants to go, we can tell you some great sights to see!
  • *blinks*
  • So, does Kuai'i spend an inordinate amount of time acting and dressing feminine? Do the other islands make fun of it and call it "fag?" I'm just curious as to whether the above link applies to landmasses... I've never really thought about it before.
  • Don't be shy about being gay, Nick. Lots of people are gay.
  • Man, I forgot about this ole trainwreck. Wheee! er... Fabulous!
  • Kids this post is old and crusty, it is not safe to play here! Now run along to a more current gay post. Shoo shoo
  • Is the gay post where you tie your gay? Sweet.
  • Only if you're fit to be tied.
  • My gay's a bit rowdy and won't take to the harness. I'ma hafta let him run 'round out back.
  • gay bondage? droooooool.
  • As pastor Ted was previously mentioned in this thread, I'll post this little tidbit here.
  • ha! these gobshites never fail to disappoint.
  • Have we already seen this gaydar test? I only scored 60%. NSFW graphic upon completion of test.
  • 60% here too. I'm kife at telling gay and straight women apart. Explains a lot.