August 24, 2005
Google has launched their IM client, Google Talk.
There's a windows client available; Mac and Linux types can use any Jabber-compatible client.
IM? Say it ain't so. Wow, this feels so 1990s.
Before you know it those biters AOL, Yahoo and Microsoft will all be coming out with their own "instant messaging software."
dpmiller. add me if you dare ;)
You'll prise my MSN from my cold, dead ha- -actually, it looks worth checking out. It's pretty, and I get to use my cool, intuitive, it's-actually-my-name Gmail address, and hell it's Google so I might as well give them another little chunk of my soul. To Evil!
::drinks with flashboy::
Did you know the French have a pejorative phrase, Omnigooglisation, referring to what they see as the Anglocentric imperialist conquest of the world's information by the big G? 100% fact.
Monkeyfilter: Anglocentric imperialist conquest of the world's information
MonkeyFilter: I might as well give them another little chunk of my soul.
I thought we were only allowed AIM messaging service...says so on the profile page.
I have 50 gmail invites, if anyone needs some, since gmail is neccessary.
Ah aint got time fo' no jibber-jabber, fool!
It looks efficient and uncluttered. However, instant messaging is the one place where I actually value the multimedia feature overload of Yahoo or even MSN. I mean, if I can't send an animated cartoon sock saying "Hey! Put a sock in it!" in an amusing cartoon sock voice, well, then my life just gets that much emptier.
aol im / iChat already supports audio/video chat between different OS's. this google thing is gonna have to do better than cross platfrom messaging to get me to consider downloading it.
Google things are always fun to play with.
I've got 150 invites, should anyone be desperate to do this. Actually, I'm probably goung to download it as soon as I get home...
... It's not doing anything. So, I figured I might. Just drink a. little beer. I said, gimme some o' that, what you're suckin' on, but there was no reeeply cos she was gorn... hey!
I use BitWise for my IM. It's not as small as Google's, but it'll still fit on a floppy (1.2MB). It can be ran from a floppy actually, since there's no install. So it can be used from work. Plus it has a whiteboard for co-op drawing, and shared folders, and it's like encrypted and stuff. I think it has other things that are awesome, too, I just don't use them. (I could probably sell bitwise better, tracicle. Sorry. Next time, more caps)
I just realised I hate talking to people on IM, it makes me embarrassed! I'm turning it off.
Heh. And I just logged in, you antisocial bastard.
Oh, and Adium all the way, although I can't access my gmail contacts with it. Not that I really expect to see a lot of them on there, anyway.
Of course I'm antisocial! I have Asperger's Syndrome!! :D Maybe if I have a beer or two I'll loosen up. I remember when I was part of this clan of Jedi Knight players and using ICQ, I actually used to cringe when someone would message me. Fuck knows why, eh? Strangely enough, using Teamspeak when playing SWG I never felt the same way. How veddy odd.
I hate IM too, Chy. I use it mainly for file transfer for friends.
Heh. I'm running it from my flash drive. In work. I'm sneaky! No one's talking to me, mind.
Oh oh oh... add me!!! I have a gmail addy: skriket is my username. Add me!!1!
Holy crap! Another little icon to mess up the bottom of my screen! Consider me sold! ...Wait, I seem to have installed it. Never mind.
I hate this: no one has IMed me yet.
Fuck, the cunty thing gives you a big popup when spam comes in.
A nostril!! Yippee.
oh, typical, the wife comes in the door right at that moment.
Anyway, I've decided I hate it.
oh boy oh boy, a BANDWAGON! Haul me on up there, homies! And add me too, it's in my profile.
i'm in. add me!!!!11one1eleven
I can't get any work done. I love Google!
heh. Chatting with Monkey's I've never met. Sweet. Kitfisto, I invited you, but you're not on! Fine, me and prismatic7 and Skrik can go off and chat with ourselves. We don't want your stinky ass around, anyway.
Ooh, go on then, add me, add me! In my profile, not in the "email address" bit, the bio bit - it's my name, but with a dot. Oooh, hang on a sec... You've already added me! But with my wrong email address! I knew that whole "dedicated $Filter email address" thing was going to go wrong at some point! I'll add you!
Anyone can add me. I'm desperate for 'friends'.
Tabernac! Runs on a Windows OS I don't have. Oh well. Guess I'll just have to... work. Cripes.
I tried to IM you, skriket, but it says you are not online. Nobody loves me.
Capitain, you can just use iChat or any other jabber enabled client. Well, at least that's what they claim. I can't connect to however. Bummer.
Fwiw, I'm on using GAIM. I don't know what the distinction is, but at least for my client I had to set Server to but Connect Server to (As a side note, this is one of the reasons that some of the geeky among us are excited about this particular IM service: They actually used *gasp* an open protocol, so that 3rd party clients don't have to rely on reverse engineering)
I'm on Gaim, too. I have so much connectivity, I'm drowning.
Woot! I was even able to download at work. I'm on... it's Kimdog there, too.
The only thing I can do with this is IM old sea shanties or Welsh traditionals at people because I can't think of anything to talk about. I quoted Men of Harlech to Skrik and there was nary a reply for 2.5 minutes, I think he was gauging how out of my head I was before replying. Ho hum. such are my interractions with real humans.
Chy, I don't think it was Skrik being coy. When we had a short chat earlier, it took minutes for our responses to get to each other as well. It would be "Hello!"...pause..."Hello!"...pause..."brb!"....pause..."ok"
it's not as instant as i want it to be. sometimes. *waits 5 seconds, refreshes MoFi*
I'm drinking GoogleJuice ( from my Google sippy cup ( and eating a GoogleNutter sandwich ( while I wear my Google footsie pj's ( and IMing ( my GoogleFriends (!
If you want to talk to someone who's really drunk then nostrild is your only maaaaaaaaaaaan
I don't even know what coy means. My reply was, if I remember correctly, "I don't know what to say now". And I replied pretty much immediately, too. But it was fun to have the celebrated nostril on my screen for a while.
I want a googlenutter sandwich! Feel free to add me. mereditheaATgmail bla bla bla. I'm here, in front of my computer, all the damn time anyway doing work (why did I agree to do three class preps? WHY??? Oh yeah... eating!) So yeah. Friends good. Talk to people and not my dog.
/Marches around office * *
I'm not a big IMer either. I just like having a list of friends that I can edit at will.
How do you work it? I can't make it do anything except send out invites.
Can it be run via Trillian?
Last week the fact that MS's filter made you get a (free) MSN Passport was worse than 1000 George W. Bush's kicking puppies. Now, just to use an IM program that does less then 3 that have existed for a decade, I have to sign up for an email account that I need an INVITATION for?
on preview, I sense a tagline coming out of that comment
/ignores the obvious tagline Every time I log in, no one else appears to be online. I think I virtually smell.
I want to play address is ewurama at gmail dot com
I'm on too. r i e d e r with no spaces at teh gmail.
I don't know what the distinction is, but at least for my client I had to set Server to but Connect Server to I tried that but still no dice. I get all kinds of errors when I do that. If I just use the default settings the 'connecting' message just never goes away. I tried iChat and Adium, the same thing. I don't have a firewall, but do have a router. But don't have any problems with other protocols so NAT seems to be working OK. Gee, and I was one of the first to have gmail.
tclark101 @ gmail for all your chimaera IMing needs.
Seriously, how do you work it? I can't make it do anything except send out invites.
I have it working on linux, sing GAIM, and pretty much as mahoukenshi said. Otherwise, check the FAQ, darling. And nobody is on. Typical.
I'm on! And, apparently I'm "Available" too. Maybe I should invite the Gmail Team to chat, if that isn't too forward.
My boyfriend tried convincing me that I loved it lol. It's not as great as I thought it might be. Maybe it seems better the more you use it? But I have my doubts.
I've jumped on the bandwagon, too. Address in profile. Also, I'm adding you all for just because, but I think I'm doing it wrong because I keep sending invites :op
FWIW, Google has completely opened up GMail registration. As far as I'm concerned, GTalk replaces the GMail notifier, so I'll run it...
I just tried that link, nutty, and it says GMail is still only for special people that get invites. So either they are excluding me, or I am computer illiterate.
fes invited me but I can't play. I have Windows 98 - and it won't let me. Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! I don't care! I don't want any of that newfangled windows stuff anyway. I like my old beat up Windows. And it's antique, it'll probably be worth a lot of money at the flea market someday, right? Right? Ha ha, I don't get viruses anymore because nobody bothers making them for 98! So there, google, you old meanie. You 21st century tech snob. Snif.
for those who would like a gmail invitation, drop a line to m r c r o w at gmail dot com (minus the spaces) and you're set. offer valid for first 49 monkeys that apply.
Hacking Google Talk. You can even play Hunt the Wumpus on it, which, IIRC, was one of the first games you could play on the ZX80, back in the day.
Sorry about the weirdly beggy invitation - I just Buddy'd all the gmail names in my address book and it did that thing that it did. Anyway, sorry.
I just assumed you were gay for me.
One doesn't discount the other, my love.
/assumes goatse
Get a room, you two!
^$#^#!@^%#!^*(**+*)(*)_*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been locked out of my google talk account! I enter my (correct) user name and password, then an error message notifying me that I need to log into the Google Accounts page to unlock my account. I do that, and end up at the Account Summary page. Try to log into Google Talk and get bounced back to the error message notifying me that I need to log into the Google Accounts page to unlock my account... (lather, rinse, repeat, bash head against keyboard) HAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLP!
Oh, and I've got 46 Gmail invites available if anyone still wants them. Email in profile. ::sigh::
ok, monkeys, i am at [email protected]. Have you noticed that every email you send automatically ads those people to your buddy list? if anyone still wants invites, I have about 50. So, ask away.
Fes, it's cool with me because I wouldn't have used it otherwise :o)
I refuse to run another client, but I will try this gtalk thing if I can connect through gaim. on preview - thanks mahoukenshi! That's much better. My gtalk is my gmail - on my member page.
I'm in - email in profile. Add me, pleeeeease.
I'll be in when I get home from vacation. (Yes, I love you guys so much I do check even when away from home!) Fes already found me, but for the rest, I am immlass on gmail too.
Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the googletalk hierachies - you goddam sons of bitches? I am "on line" or "in cyberspace" or "functionally electron-enabled" and you are all "waah waah waah I don't like to google-it because I'm a little pee-pee pants". Yet I yearn to be consumed in your overwhelming googletalk existence. NOW!
And so I hold myself back and swallow the call-note of my dark sobbing. Ah, whom can we ever turn to in our need? Not angels, not humans, not monkeys because they are all asleep or out with their "girl/boyfriends" and they're all laughing at me and saying "he's a stupid-head". God, I hate you people.
Every monkey is terrifying. And yet, alas, I invoke you, almost deadly monkeys of the soul, knowing about you and what horrible sub-human mutants you are.
If only we too could discover a pure, contained, googletalk place, our own strip of fruit-bearing soil between river and rock. But you are all out getting drunk on meths and begging people for loose change, you long-haired hippie freaks - aren't you?
Don't think that I'm wooing. Googletalker, even if I were, you would not come. For my call is always filled with departure, against such a powerful current you cannot move. Like an outstretched arm is my call. And its hand, held open and reaching up to seize, remains in front of you, open as if in defence and warning, ungraspable ones, far above - you non-googletalking asswipes!
And you yourself, how could you know what primordial time you stirred in your quidnunc - what passions welled up inside him from departed googletalkers? Poor quidnunc reached out to touch you - oh gently gently ... but you were having a poker night with the guys from the bar and you lost your caravan because you only had two sixes. I pity you, in a way. But NOT MUCH.
Right that's it - I'm running away to Japan or something. I hope you're satisfied you heartless beasts.
Quid, you keep this up and I'll tell everyone that I'm your girlfriend. And then you'll be sorry. Very, very sorry. Oh yes.
Hold on a second, quidley. I'm downloading.
I haven't downloaded it at home yet. And I'm leaving in 1/2 hour. Sorry quidninkle!
Boo to Koko!
But I'm going to eat tempura.
thankx y'all!
A new internet application stood up! O pure uprising! Googletalk is singing! O tall tree in the ear! And everything was still... because none of you motherfuckers are online right now.
Aah, Rilke.
I loved his letters. Made me cry once.
So, anyone have any idea if Trillian will work with this? I'm not able to download GoogleTalk, but I have Trillian.
I should clarify; I can download it, I just can't install it.
I wanna play too! Email in profile. My life is almost complete. Now if google could just do my dishes for me...
some sort of chat has been integrated with gmail, but it's not available for all gmail addresses for some reason.
Yeah, mine too, although it's not been 'enabled' yet...