Just last week I was in North Carolina for a video shoot that we were doing for the museum of the Cherokee Indian in Cherokee, NC.
We flew into Knoxville (a tidy little airport, easy to get in and out of) and drove from there into Cherokee. On the way, we went through "Pigeon Forge", home of Dollywood, more putt-putt golf courses than you can shake a stick at, and a bunch of Fireworks Supermarkets and "As Seen On TV" Superstores. It was, just, I don't know, creepy. Everything that you don't need, all in one place.
Top it all off with all you can eat restaurants selling plate, after plate, after plate of deep fried catfish and my head started to spin. I know that we folks in Los Angeles get a skewed view of the world sometimes, but this was just too much of the deep fried heart of darkness...
This website.. it hurts me.
Squidranch... welcome to my childhood. I grew up about 90 miles from Pigeon Forge (Knoxville was the closest "big city" to my town), and we went to Pigeon Forge several times a year for outlet shopping (its not all "as seen on TV stuff"). It's a shame that you couldn't go to Dollywood, because it's surprisingly entertaining.
I take it that you didn't go over the mountain into Gatlinberg... the Los Vegas of the South (without the gambling). Pigeon Forge is merely an appetizer for Gatlinberg
Anyway, these towns are basically vacation destinations for poor people (and not so poor) in the South. Really not that much more bizarre that Times Square or The Strip, just not so high class.
Unfortunatley the popularity of PF and GB have really taken a toll on the Smokys. Too much pollution and traffic.
Okay... back to Flowbees and Space Bags.
the Las Vegas of the South (without the gambling)
So it's what, a vast empty waste land of a dessert?
hee hee
Squiddy -
There used to be a As Seen On TV store in the Fox Hills Mall a couple of years back... haven't been there since 2002, so I don't know if it's still open.
Yeah, LA, the home of all things good and substantive.
No need to get pissy Carbolic.
I know LA is fucked up in it's own way, I just wasn't ready for the uninterupted mile upon mile of cheese that was in Pigeon Fork.
Once we got into the smokey mountains it was beautiful. And the smaller towns were little gems.
What did you expect from a town named Pigeon Fork?
Actually, Carbolic, it's not LA:
MonkeyFilter: The home of all things good and substantive.
I just bought two ten-packs of Ginsu 2000 knives. Bloody brilliant things really. Being serrated they do a wizzo job on tomatoes, which I eat in excess in the summer when they're tasty. So for two bucks I've now got twenty fresh blades in my drawer. This very healthily supplants the last ten pack that I've pretty much lost most of through bent blades, getting thrown out in pizza boxes and such.
Sure, okay, yeah. They suck as far as knives go, but for what they are they're a steal. I'll never give up my good knives, but for a couple simple utility cuts it sure beats having to handwash the good knife when I'm done. Ginsu in the dishwasher? Hell yeah, cover it in lighter fluid and burn it clean for all I care. Ten cents a piece...p'shaw!
So the site is fun to look at, but cruise the dollar stores. Much better prices to be had there. Thirteen bucks? Ouch!
Plus you can cut through all those tin aluminum cans.
I'm just saying. It's a benefit.
tinaluminum cans. I'm just saying. It's a benefit.