February 13, 2004
Enchanted Ceiling
: a photoblog
(corrected link) Looks like there's some beautiful pictures on there. Nice post. I really am a sucker for a skyscaper (if thats a word).
I meant a sky-scape, by the way.
Lovely. Thank you.
I think I'm going to waste all night on this. Its bloody excellent.
oh god. I'm drunk. far too much beer. drunk nice picturews. drunk.
As much as I love these *scapes, with the advent of digital manipulation, I just can't be sure. In any case, some of them are awesome.
Seconded, tellurian. I haven't taken photos of anything outside the house in weeks, and these are certainly inspirational.
Riding BART into work this morning, earlier than usual. The train emerges aboveground at MacArthur Station, and the sky was an irridescent golden-apricot color. All the riders looked up from their newspapers and turned to stare out the window. I had one of those humbling I-am-insignificant-blob-on-tiny-planet moments. This website captures it, over and over. [bananas to anastasiav]