August 11, 2005

100 people who are screwing up America When the list starts with Michael Moore and doesn't even include G.W. Bush... via
  • Could be somewhat partisan then, eh?
  • Sadly, I have to agree with him on a couple of them. Matt Kunitz, the producer of "Fear Factor" and Jimmy Swaggart both highly deserve to be there. Many of the other selections are silly. Literally. But they're hardly ruining America.
  • I saw Goldberg try to explain his reasoning while he was a guest on the Daily Show. Jon Stewart was uncharacteristically relentless in trying to get Goldberg to admit that the damage to America done by these (largely) liberal celebrities and politicians is dwarfed by the real damage being done by the people with real power: the Rumsfelds, Bushes, Lays and DeLays. Goldberg never caught the cluebus. That's not fair. He saw the cluebus, he just failed to get on board.
  • He utterly fails to appreciate the damage that I am doing to America. Why oh why do my super-secret evil schemes never get the attention they deserve?
  • I once screwed America up so tight I had to run it under a hot tap for ten minutes before I could get Alaska loose.
  • "Ted Kennedy has gained the reputation for being the 'conscience' of the Democratic Party, and yet how can he have a conscience if he was against the Iraq War?" Can't argue with logic like that. Whoo boy...
  • Screwing Up America now comes in the 100-count box! And here I'd been getting mine in loosies.
  • Does anyone, on either side of the aisle, even listen to Ted Kennedy?
  • I started reading the list, trying my best to appreciate the author's viewpoint, and not doing very well. Chastizing the ACLU for fighting for "petty causes"? As if any abuse of civil liberties is at all "petty". But let's move on to -- 6. Jimmy Carter? Wha..? The one who won the Nobel Peace Prize? Sure, it's the easy one, and they've got it wrong a couple of times (*coughkissingercough*), but still. There's no denying he's a decent man, and always has been. The debate was always if he was enough of a bastard to be President of the United States. And he probably wasn't. But is he STILL screwing up America? No. And I cannot understand why a right-winger would have anything but the greatest affection for Bob Shrum. The GOP won six times over his messages -- why would they not buy him a Caddy in gratitude? Others choices are unexpected -- like the abortion killer and so on -- but other ones are just outdated. Phil Donahue? Harry Belafonte? Hardly the names that come to mind when one thinks of people SCREWING UP AMERICA. AND ANOTHER THING -- John Casconcellos? Heaven help us for instilling self-esteem in our children. What the hell was he thinking? Kee-rist... Allright, I'll stop now. Someone get me my smelling salts...
  • *tosses chunks of kosher salt at Capt. Renault*
  • My eye! My eye!
  • New list: people who are screwing up Capt. Renault! 1. sugarmilktea 2. Major Strasser
  • Does anyone, on either side of the aisle, even listen to Ted Kennedy? Hush, the adults are talking. On topic- Top n lists are stupid. Partisan rants are stupid. Partisan rants that take the form of top n lists are doubly stupid. Or stupid^2. Whichever is stupider.
  • 'people who screwed an american...' mmmh... 8P
  • I would be more interested in a list of people that I might be able to screw in America.
  • Michael Moore's popular films and supporters are too hateful of America that he doesn't deserve to be talked about. Nice grammar.
  • >Nice grammar. Think of it as freedom from the tyrrany of grammar. Why do you hate their freedom?
  • While he is the most-cited living author or "most important intellectual" according to the New York Times, he hates America. *blush* guilty, girlfrien'!
  • Pah, America's a shit screw anyway.
  • Noam Chomsky -- he can point to more extreme cases of terrorism done by the US than what happened on 9/11... and this means that Chomsky is bad. Matt Kunitz -- His Fear Factor program is ruining culture by entertaining millions of Americans with scenes of humans eating insects and cow intestines. It's getting so I can't walk down the street without seeing kids eating bull testes... Oh, added surprise -- I'm a bigger fan of Kingsolver than I was before.
  • One should only screw the one one loves. And on the whole I think publishing a book with the top [...] of [...] is about as impotent as one can get.
  • Springer helped pioneer the nasty television talk show genre. Him and Povich are rottening American culture. Pioneer.
    Is them rottening up American grammar, too?
  • >Does anyone, on either side of the aisle, even >listen to Ted Kennedy? >>Hush, the adults are talking. My point was that if no one is listening how could he possibly do any damage.
  • the rottening of the grammar is the product of the chap who synposizated the writingeses of the bloviator in questioning.
  • 60. Ludacris (rapper) Like all rappers, Ludacris popularizes ignorance and anti-social behavior. uhhh?!??!?!?!
  • I cannot take seriously anyone who takes Anna Nicole Smith seriously.
  • Robbins is a vocal anti-war protester, and he has made claims that al Qaeda fundamentalism is similar to fundamentalism in the US government. He also says he's about peace, but he's also mean to people. An'... An'... He stinks! An'... An'... he's got cooties!
  • What a shmuck this Goldberg bonehead is. Praise be to Al Franken.
  • BTW, the Daily Show interview is here in WMV. From the original via.
  • Okay. Many of those commenting here are mocking the grammar and the quick summary given on the site to explain the presence of each person. It is worth noting that the summaries and the grammar are written by a person who is not Goldberg. In fact, it appears to me that the person who wrote the summary is not a right-winger and is trying to make fun of Goldberg. Make fun of the choices, but leave the summaries and the grammar out of it.
  • we are unanimous in this, bernockle
  • I was mocking the summary written by a person who is not Goldberg. That was all I had to read from the link. As for Goldberg, I'll take Bill over Bernard any day. And as for Bernard's claims that people like Moore and Chomsky are hurting America, whatever. If we don't allow for self-criticism, we turn into a ego-state, a tyrant without the ability for reflection. Sometimes being a patriot means exactly this: being critical. And what a hypocrite this guy is. It's not okay for other people to critical, but it's okay for him to take carte blanche with his personal grievances on "behalf" of the red, white, and blue. Bernard Goldberg is hurting America because he is a two faced hypocrite, liar, and punk ass white prick using Americans' fear to propel him into a higher tax bracket. Jon Stewart should have pulled Bill Goldberg from backstage as a surprise guest and had him spear this loser.
  • 83. The Dumb and Vicious Celebrity (ex: ..., Janeane Garofolo) 84. The Vicious Celebrity (ex: ..., Janeane Garofolo) 85. The Dumb Celebrity (ex: ..., Janeane Garofolo) Translation: Janeane Garofolo is one smart fox who intellectually and sexually intimidates Bernard Goldberg to such an extent that she's become a symbol for all his hate against Hollywood.
  • but bernockle, but queso, I found the best one! 96. Eve Ensler (author of the play The Vagina Monologues) Her play is silly for its over-use of vagina-related content
  • Roy Moore James Kopp Dennis Kozlowski Ken Lay Michael Savage David Duke Jimmy Swaggart Now what have these fine folks done to screw up America??
  • But what about Tim Robbins? According to the list: He also says he's about peace, but he's also mean to people.
  • I liked the part when he was on the Daily Show and was seriously suggesting that using racial slurs was the same thing as using profanity. (And I especially liked that although he wouldn't use the most potentially offensive racial slur for African Americans, he had no problem using the most potentially offensive racial slur for a Jewish person in front of Jon Stewart who is Jewish) Basically, all these "back in the day" guys are either looking at things through rose colored glasses (notice the ONLY people you see saying things were better in the 50's are straight white people (mostly men)) or they are people who really do beleive that things were better when we didn't have to worry about those pesky people who weren't straight white men.
  • This is an absolute scream :D Did some kid in highschool write this? "Rottening the American culture.." Is 'rottening'even a fucking word? Gaw. "Ted Kennedy has gained the reputation for being the 'conscience' of the Democratic Party, and yet how can he have a conscience if he was against the Iraq War? Is this freaking textbook example of the 'begging the question' argumentative fallacy actually committed ON PURPOSE? This reads like it's a 16 year old's halfassed attempt at a homework assingnment, which is heading for a C grade. God, what a wanker the dude who wrote this must be. How do these dense morons whom so blatantly advertise their total mediocrity ever get published? Really, what the fuck is going on??
  • I cannot take seriously anyone who takes Anna Nicole Smith seriously. Exhibit#2: 95. Courtney Love (singer... No one's paid attention to Courtney for years, except to pity Francis Bean. This guy's smart enough to cash in on the conservative agenda by writing a book that all the 'oppressed' bobble-heads will buy while the author laughs all the way to the bank, yet he can't come up with a better list than this? Even a partisan one? Someone buy the schmuck a clue. He's not even a decent conservative stalking horse.
  • Stalking a Pantomime horse?
  • Thanks for the link, scartol.
  • Did some kid in highschool write this? "Rottening the American culture.." Is 'rottening'even a fucking word? I think it's funnier if you assume the chap writing the blurbs is doing that on purpose. (And I especially liked that although he wouldn't use the most potentially offensive racial slur for African Americans You must not have watched the whole interview. ... he had no problem using the most potentially offensive racial slur for a Jewish person in front of Jon Stewart who is Jewish) He was in front of probably millions of people.
  • This game is easy: Not in any thought-out order: 1. Dick Cheney 2. Condi Rice 3. George W. Bush 4. Donald Rumsfeld 5. Alberto Gonzales 6. Tucker Carlson 7. Neal Cavuto 8. Bill O’Reilly 9. Rupert Murdoch 10. Mark Mays 11. Karl Rove 12. Lee Scott 13. Lee Raymond 14. Mary Meeker 15. Robert Novak 16. Rush Limbaugh 17. Richard Mellon Scaife 18. Peggy Noonan 19. John O’Neill 20. Karen Hughes 21. James Dobson 22. Pat Robertson 23. Jerry Falwell 24. Antonin Scalia 25. Michael Eisner 26. Duke Cunningham 27. Rafael Palmiero 28. Barry Bonds 29. Michelle Malkin 30. Ann Coulter 31. Warren Staley 32. Tom Cruise 33. Arnold Schwarzenegger 34. Phillip E. Johnson 35. Rick Wagoner 36. Hank McKinnel 37. Miles White 38. Maurice Greenberg 39. Michael D. Parker 40. Raymond Gilmartin 41. Jean-Pierre Garnier 42. Van Richey 43. Bernie Ebbers 44. Ken Lay 45. Andrew Fastow 46. Joseph Nacchio 47. John Rigas 48. Chuck Watson 49. Frank Quattrone 50. Sanford Weill 51. Hugh McColl 52. David Smith 53. Dennis Kozlowski 54. Patrick Swayze 55. Kevin Costner 56. Jim Belushi 57. Suge Knight 58. P. Diddy 59. Lil’ Kim 60. 50 Cent 61. David Hasselhoff 62. Jimmy Kimmel 63. Jennifer Lopez 64. Mariah Carey 65. Jessica Simpson 66. Britney Spears 67. Ashlee Simpson 68. Jerry Bruckheimer 69. Charlton Heston 70. Tom DeLay 71. Rick Santorum 72. Bill Frist 73. Kenneth Starr 74. Kenneth Tomlinson 75. Kobe Bryant 76. Mark McGuire 77. Bobby Knight 78. Jerry Tarkanian 79. Matt Drudge 80. William Bennett 81. Donald Trump 82. James Redfield 83. Robert James Waller 84. Tim LaHaye 85. Milton Friedman 86. Norman Podhoretz 87. William Kristol 88. James Woolsey 89. Richard Perle 90. Paul Wolfowitz 91. Robert Novak 92. Ward Connerly 93. David Horowitz 94. Phyllis Schlafly 95. Dinesh D’Souza 96. Laura Ingraham 97. Sean Hannity 98. Jack Welch 99. Michael Savage 100. Paris Hilton
  • Oh, and Don King probably deserves a place on the list. Swap him in for, I don't know, Jim Belushi. Only in America!
  • he had no problem using the most potentially offensive racial slur for a Jewish person in front of Jon Stewart who is Jewish ...And let us now take a moment to consider the possible cultural heritage of the name "Goldberg".
  • The righties have officially crosses the threshhold into "making shit up for no reason at all". It's time to start ignoring them, because they've managed to trivialize themselves into utter absurdity.
  • 36. Nancy Hopkins (MIT biologist) Larry Summers, the president of Harvard, proposed at a conference that there might be innate differences between the sexes and their abilities to do math. Upon hearing this, Nancy Hopkins stalked out. Subsequently many papers ran columns criticizing Summers and eventually Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences passed a resolution stating their lack of confidence in Summers's leadership. so, an economist (summers) makes a very dodgy pronouncement about innate differences, prompting a biologist to walk out of the room, and somehow she's earned 36th place on this stupid list? sheesh.
  • You've got Robert Novak on there twice. And I think you can count Jessica and Ashlee Simpson as one person.
  • There's three conservatives in here and one shot the abortion doctor! Jon Stewart is The King. I haven't been able to watch that show lately, and I forgot how awesome he is.
  • Yo, Wingo. That is one ugly list. Let's lock 'em in a room and let 'em duke it out. Last one standing gets fed to the alligators.
  • Speaking on behalf of my people, we have no problem with that. Except for, possibly, the Simpson girls, whom we would like to at this point petition the Thunderdome officials for custody.
  • 100 America-screwers enter, one America-screwer leaves! My money's on Bobby Knight.
  • Hmm. I think Karl Rove has an advantage -- he'd weasel his way into getting Barry Bonds or Mark McGuire to being his muscle, and then he'd stab them in the back close to the end. On the other hand, Fitty Cent's got muscle and sheer brutality -- it's always dangerous fighting guys who don't need to worry about their looks. P Diddy's is toned, thanks to running the NYC marathon and stuff, and he's got a good head on him. Charlton Heston, Rush Limbaugh -- they may be tough, but they'd have no idea what's going on. Ahrnold's best days are long behind him. Perle, Wolfowitz, Santorum -- they'd run away like little girls. O'Reilly, he'd be killed while leering over Paris. Paris could go far, in that she's not much of a target, and with all that raging testosterone, well you know. She'd be taken down by J-Lo. Which brings us to Dick. Dick has the same skills as Karl, but he's got that heart. Definite drawback. So he'd go far until Karl triggers an MCI, but there's always a possibility that in the end the two will unite to defeat the ones controlling the game. My money's on Scalia. He's the williest fuck of them all.
  • techsmith, let's add Toby Keith and Charlie Daniels, then.
  • techsmith, let's add Toby Keith and Charlie Daniels, then. *puffs on pipe* I say, good show. Yes, very good.