August 11, 2005

Worst. Excuse. Evar. If one has a phobia of being in a car with someone else driving, why would one become an instructon/tester for the DMV? And how does groping underaged breasts help with said phobia?
  • instructor....
  • (And 'annoying' a child? What the hell? Since when is sexual assault classified as an annoyance? And what if I annoy some kid by not buying her girl guide cookies -- what then?)
  • A former Department of Motor Vehicles driving instructor who said he was driven to grope his female teen students because of a phobia of being in a car he wasn’t driving himself was sentenced to two years in jail today. Worst. Run-on sentence. Eva.
  • He copped to a feel! Hah? Haahhh?? Ahaaa! Heh. . . ennhhhh. /Krusty
  • Man, and he flunked them to boot. What a prick.
  • Actually, it's not technically a run-on, RPM. It's delineated with the proper clarifying phrases and conjoining items. I'm shocked that he only got 2 years and that this is a misdemeanor. Grr!
  • Wagstaffe said the groping often occurred during the parallel parking portion of the driving test, at which time Cat would inform his student that she needed to keep her eye on how close the right rear wheel of the car was to the curb. When asked how one could do that from the driver’s side, he would instruct the girl to release her seat belt and lean over. At that time, Cat would grab her breasts, Wagstaffe said. Best. Line. Evar.
  • I bet it counts as a misdemeanor because it was over the clothes. This guy sounds like the creepiest person ever ever ever. Yuck.
  • What I wonder is how many girls caught the creepy vibe before taking the test but didn't want to seem crazy, so kept quiet.
  • Speaking as someone who was at the freakin' DMV today... waiting... waiting... WAITING... I probably wouldn't have minded a cheap feel by some freaky older lady.... At least I would've had SOME stimulus.... :)
  • minda25: I bet a lot of girls felt weird but kept quiet, because they didn't want to seem rude. God forbid we hurt the authority figure's feelings. Also, I bet he felt up a lot more girls than are reported, especially if he made it clear that if they *did* report him, he'd fail them. Again: ew.
  • I'm shocked that he only got 2 years and that this is a misdemeanor. I'm shocked that "19 counts of annoying or molesting a child under the age of 18, eight counts of sexual battery and two counts of battery" only added up to 2 years! What I wonder is how many girls caught the creepy vibe before taking the test but didn't want to seem crazy, so kept quiet. I really don't think you should report someone just for seeming creepy. Also, don't accept an invitation into his house, to get candy, from his basement.
  • Hopefully, the other inmates will "annoy" him with regularity.
  • Uh oh...
  • But, if the other inmates just fondle his breasts is that OK?
  • Well, I think they shouldn't have put him in jail at all. Just cut his balls off. I have zero tolerance for this shit.
  • Just cut his balls off. That's a bit....primitive. Cutting off theives' hands, etc. Very 8th century. Is the purpose of our justice system to rehabilitate people, or punish them? I thought it was the former, but, I disagree with about 51% of the US on many, many issues, so maybe not.
  • I just sat jury duty on a case where the defendant was caught by a policeman in the act of stamping on another gentleman's head. He was trying to claim self-defence. You know, by stamping on the guy's head. The guy that was on the floor.
  • Well, 51% is the minority, after all. "The nation should be more than half minorities by 2050, said Steve Murdock, a demographer at the University of Texas at San Antonio."
  • Well, cutting his balls off would probably lower his testosterone levels and thus decrease the need to fondle girls' breasts. You could call it hormone therapy. I do not advocate castration of sexual offenders, although the idea can be tempting.
  • How about JonathanQuick, tracicle? Would you advocate castration in that case?
  • Nah, in that case I'd just take away his modem.
  • JonathanQuick Has lost his prick And doesn't know where to find it ...
  • I would like to take this opportunity to say that a great number of the world's problems could be averted by the parties' feeling up young women's breasts.
  • OK, if cutting off his balls is too primitive, I can go with chemical castration. The knife is cheaper, though.