July 27, 2005

Cumming: The Fragrance
  • Hey, I just tried this new stuff called pepsi blue...
  • I'm slightly confused and have a creepy feeling.
  • You know, it wasn't until just now that I realized that he must be the love child of Dustin Hoffman and Liza Minelli. Since I'm at work, I couldn't really hear it. Was it a joke?
  • God, I wish I was gay.
  • Well with that name and that personality (I don't know about his sexual prefs) this has likely been on the cards for years. The ad makes me want to puke though. So I'm guessing it's not aimed at hetero-guys.
  • Oh....the actor's name is Alan Cumming.
  • My first thought was: Oh, a new game by Wizards of the Coast?
  • FYI, flash and embedded quicktime. Here's a direct link.
  • Is this for real? That is probably the creepiest video I've seen in a good, long while. If it's the real deal, and really smells of scotch and cigars, I'm pretty sure I already smell like this stuff much of the time. That said, "I'm Cumming" is a great tagline.
  • When GramMa gets here, she's gonna be mad.
  • Awesome. First saw this here, and it never fails to amuse.
  • *shudder*
  • Well, I guess the point is to show just how abominably ridiculous some ads featuring women are, that is, how some ad agencies mistake "feminine" with plain retarded. I really hope that's the point, anyway.
  • Even HE can't say it with a straight face.
  • Thanks Skeptic, I think you nailed it exactly.
  • I agree with Skeptic, too. I *think* the commercial is supposed to be silly, though if you end up thinking AC is teh hot, that's ok too. On a similar note, has anyone seen the films The Brotherhood and The Brotherhood II? The director supposedly shot the movie so that the hot boys would be filmed just like women are usually filmed in horror movies. Oddly enough, it makes the movies (which are dreadful, but in a fun way) the gayest things ever. So apparently, objectifying boys = gay (for the male gaze), and objectifying girls = straight (for the male gaze).
  • Yeah, there's something very Britney-esque about it, especially when he brushes his teeth in bed.
  • I'm surprised no one has yet made a joke about splashing some of this on your face.
  • When he was promoting it on the Daily Show a few months ago, I seem to recall the promised slogan was "Cumming All Over."
  • I have a friend with the last name "Cumming" that will be very amused, then creeped right out.
  • "There are too many celebrity fragrances where you're like: 'What's the point of this person slapping their face on a bottle?' Most of them are dreary." While Cumming may be anything but, the packaging for the fragrance will emphasize his irrelevent persona. Dearest press person, I believe you meant "irreverent". Unless you didn't.
  • Maybe the packaging could emphasize his irrelevancy by listing his acting credits?
  • Magnificent, thursday - I can't believe I missed that. HA!
  • I actually like him as a character actor, though.
  • Alan Cumming is a homosexual. He's also an actor. I don't like him.
  • I like him. He's witty. Oh so witty.
  • which one was the deal-breaker, ActuallySettle?
  • Cumming's The High Life is one of the great overlooked British sitcoms. Well, not great, perhaps. But it was definitely good. In an okay sort of way. Ish. Cumming's The High Life is one of the okayish overlooked British sitcoms.
  • My first thought was: Oh, a new game by Wizards of the Coast? Nitpick: It's actually White Wolf Games that uses the "Burps: The Spattering" naming convention.
  • I stand corrected (^_^). Kept thinking WotC had bought up all the RPG companies. Forgot about White Wolf entirely.
  • Stop him before he bamfs again.