July 27, 2005
More frustrating than trying to teach your cat calculus.
My little man got killed :(
The original Grow link doesn't work. Is this the same game?
Okay, I have no idea what that was just all about. But it was fun. Until my guy got killed taking on some dragon-thingy. I got all the first things placed though, and he had quite some time running about, doing things not under my control, and going "a key!" So, yeah.
I love the sound the little guy makes when he gets the key.
You've got to place things in the right order, which appears to be a trial and error thing, which I have no patience for.
Well, shit. I managed to do better I thought - I got a suit of armour from a tower because I figured out (I thought) when to stop the guy from breaking off that bit and yet I still got killed by a dragon.
techsmith: yup, looks like. This is the same idea, only with less objects, so not as complicated, but then there's all the cuteness with the little Link guy running around. If anyone's confused, basically you have to "grow" the objects in the best order possible, and you know it's the best order when all of them are at "level max." at the end. Then when the little guy starts running around, he's able to beat all the enemies. So you just experiment and tinker with the order you're putting things in to grow, and watch what needs more time to level up (therefore put it in earlier), what reacts with what (therefore put X in before Y), etc.
A game that involves thinking? NOT BLOODY LIKELY!!!
Look at the second comment under this entry to see the correct order.
Thank you danb. Thank you so much. My thesis supervisor thanks you as well, I think. It was the tree/town combo I hadn't gotten yet. That changes the whole freaking game!
Yes, I won!!! (Alright, the cheat won for me, but still, I won! Now I don't have to play anymore! Huzzah!
Fun game, Mel! This is a lot more accessible (read: easy) than the original Grow game, so I enjoyed it a lot more.
That is adorable and charming. It's like a tiny old style final fantasy, only without the bother of XP! Thanks Mel! <3
The next step would be to make it multiplayer. GROW DEATHMATCH(tm) pits 2 players against each other- they each get their own GROW sphere and take turns placing bits on it in an order of their choosing, and at the end they face off, and the outcome is determined by the states of the various bits on their spheres. That'd be cool.
YESSSSS! I love this!
I want my grow planet to have a cool volcano, not some stupid happy mountain. Frickin' lava haters.