petebest, that reminds me of the punch line:
"Fuck your canoe!"
:o) Image removed by Microsoft® Autochecker™
I prefer assicons® to describe the people that came up with the emoticon-as-commerce idea. Such as...
( * ) = fatass
(.) = tight ass
(e=mc²)= smartass
Abiezer_Coppe wins.
After watching Mansquito on the Sci-Fi channel, TenaciousPettle made a super-cool Mansquito emoticon:
It's so fun to say MANSQUITO!
Well, it isn't an issued patent (yet), only an application.
No, deconstructo wins!
(and I'll see you in court over that trademark, buddy)
Whatever, that's just fucking lunacy from MS fuckwads!
A goatse to Microsoft and their minions.
Oh, Islander, that's disgusting.
I guess it was just a matter of time till someone came up with an emoticon for that.
The patent won't get approved. From USPTO's site: "Any type of disclosure...could prevent the applicant from getting a patent." Emoticons are being used everyday by millions of people, I don't see how they can conform to the non-disclosure part of the application.
:o)Image removed by Microsoft® Autochecker™