July 22, 2005

The evil deeds of the Queen's favorite. Is this the first example of a (political) blog/character assassination?

Note in the introduction the author's intention: "Wherefore all that we can conveniently do about this business is nothing else but (for the better beautifying and more perfecting the story of his [the Earl of Essex's] life) to add from day to day such his actions as the time shall discover unto us." This was posted in 1585! Is there any earlier exapmple(s)?

  • People resented their rulers in 1585 and "wrote" about it? How "moderne"! Seriously, were you born yesterday?
  • Oops Wolof is grumpy!
  • More like pdf and less like blog.
  • This isn't the Earl of Essex, it's his stepfather the Earl of Leicester. Clues - brother-in-law of Henry Sidney; uncle of Sir Philip Sidney. In answer to your last question; yes, undoubtedly.
  • Is there any earlier exapmple(s)? Me hate Chief Gronk. Him stoopid. Me kill mammoth but him all like "me take carcass back to cave. me chief". Him smell. posted by Thurg at 9:53PM UTC on April 21, 30,000 B.C.
  • Welcome new monkey! Thinking about Alcibiades. Always tricky when your enemies write the histories, anyway.
  • Wolof - nope pre-1585! Altoliguistic - yep. (oops) Quid - Hardly. (prevented from posting for some reason. v v grumpy) Bees - see above (extra grrrrr)
  • Mr Knickerbocker - They had PDF in 1585?? *Deep sarcasm causes head to ingnite*
  • They had PDF in 1585?? That's pretty cute coming from someone who thinks they had computers and the internet in 1585. Especially since the purpose of my comment was to give the pdf warning that you left off.
  • A pox on Nina Greene for removing ye Elizabethan spellynge!
  • Seems like a perfetcly good post to me. Welcome Dr. Evil.
  • "perfectly" that is
  • i think it's interesting, but i'm pretty new myself.