July 21, 2005
Last link probably NSFW.
Very sexy indeed.
I find the second link particularly sexy.
Nice collection of circuits. But you're missing HolliDance. Not a robot, not much of an AI. She just dances. I like that.
When you open all the links at once in firefox it causes quite a mashup.
Here's a question for you monkeys.. if someone wrote a sci-fi story with one of the characters being a gay robot.. would that be lame?
A coming out of the tool box of sorts?
No, George, but creating this character? That was terminally lame.
I just gotta say, in case you didn't hear me the first time...
damn, that was awesome. now i've got the transformers tune in my head. da da duuu duu, duu duu
Sexy house-sitting robot!!