July 20, 2005

Curious, George: Embed flash file How do I embed a flash flip book into a blog?

A fellow monkey, gspm, shared flash flip books with us, now I want to post my piece of art on my blog. I tried Google and I know the html tag , but it doesn't work, or maybe Xanga doesn't allow using flash. Can any monkey help?

  • I don't really know, but you can always right click and view the page source to see how they did it. I did it on that site, and it looks complicated, so perhaps find another, simpler site that has flash and view their source.
  • Perhaps you should look to Xanga? This is regarding flash banners, but I think it applies to what you are trying to do.
  • I already checked the FAQ, but that pertains to headers, not the body itself. I also sent an email, but I thought monkeys might be more resourceful. I'll try to find another person's site and check out their source code, and "borrow".
  • When I need to embed Flash, I always use a javascript to do it. It is just so much cleaner. Here's a good one: http://blog.deconcept.com/2004/10/14/web-standards-compliant-javascript-flash-detect-and-embed/ Assuming you are allowed Javascript, it should be a nobrainer to use a script for your embedding.
  • thanks, invoke. the code looks mighty scary, but I think Xanga limits the use of javascript. how about some simple html script for embedding flash, is it possible?
  • From the Xanga website: Xangans do the coolest things with Javascript Codes. And we definitely want to encourage Javascript hacking on Xanga! It's a great way for us to get a sense for what features people want... and eventually, build those features into Xanga itself. So, I doubt they limit the use of javascript. I posted the "header" link to Xanga because, while not referring specifically to the body, it does give helpful insight that will most likely be relevant to the body as well. Good luck!
  • http://www.w3schools.com/flash/flash_inhtml.asp http://www.kirupa.com/developer/flash5/html.htm http://www.google.com/search?hs=&q=html+code+flash
  • Hey! Links work here, you know. <a href="http://example.com/">Your link text</a> Glares at invoke and jccalhoun
  • OK, step by step for an embedding script: 1) get a good opensourced script. Here's one: http://www.laszlosystems.com/lps/includes/embed.js 2) load the on your page. Either put the literal text of the whole thing script tags: <script> copied text here /<script> or, if Xanga will let you, just upload the js file and then refer to it like so: <script src="embed.js"/> 3) embed your flash file using the javascript, like so: <script>lzEmbed({url: 'your_flipbook_file.swf', bgcolor: '#ffffff', width: '800', height: '600'}); </script>
  • if youre looking for the simple good old and tags, Flash'll generate 'em for you. Publish your fla, selecting html as well as swf as an option. Open the html and copy and paste the big chunk that says and ... (each one works in different browsers so you need both and possibly thats why object isnt working in yr browser/OS of choice)
  • Thanks, monkeys! A bit of information overload for me, but one day I'll post my flipbook or some flash on my page. I did find some other sites dedicated to helping for future reference, CreateBlog and BlogRing. Thanks again.