July 19, 2005

Strange, Beautiful Little Ballad This is a bit overly gothed out for me... but I like the idea of a long running internet comic, and the simple art blows me away.
  • I just read this last Saturday; little too gothy for me too, but not without its charms...
  • Oh it is gothy! And wonderful. It reminds me of 3 of my last 7 ex-girlfriends. Good God, he put an immense amount of work into each pane.
  • At 64, it gets dark...
  • The hatchy style reminds me of Dave Sim. Didn't stick around long enough to find out if it veers into a lecture on the feminine void.
  • Zombie golems are damn passive.
  • Storyline's more, the drawing less, Gorey.
  • Anyone else think of Too Much Coffee Man when seeing the protagonist?
  • teh.
  • Excellent opportunities for cod-Freudian analysis. I reckon Ballad is essentially a penis and this is mainly about castration anxiety. Obvious, really.