July 18, 2005

This is the strangest example of internet collaboration. You visit the site. You 'get' it. You submit your own oo. It goes on and on.
  • On Getting-It Ooh.
  • Just sent a simian-related one. Let's see if I 'got it'...
  • The De La Soul feat. Redman: oo oo oo oo (For those who don't know: lyrics / mp3 -- sorry for the popup.)
  • Apparently it's the unedited version, too. So that mp3's NSFW and not for kids.
  • The Box: oooo o    o oooo
  • Huh? (If any of you would like to hope me while not appearing to break the chain of cool, you could email.)
  • Path: I'm not even sure I get it.
  • Uh, I'm guessing it's about pair(s) of "o"s? Hence my rather limp attempt at one?
  • A bedtime story: Goodnight oo
  • The 1337: 00
  • So, does anyone besides Acutally Settle get this cutting edge whatever? Does Actually Settle get it? Maybe he's looking for someone to explain? It claims to date back to 1995, when he'd have been pretty young. Maybe he's been looking for someone to explain it since then? Those of you who are really 1337 (at least I'm that cool) could explain it to me an AS could benefit.
  • Why do I always see the typos after I've hit "post?" I'd prefer if you didn't explain that.
  • The Who: Whoo are you?
  • I like removablefriend's effort to "get it". I don't think I do, but I can't help pretending like I'm cool.
  • I think they are supposed to be testicles. Or boobs. I can't decide.
  • I'm not saying I "get" it, but I do like this one.
  • The Balloon: 0 |
  • The Small Spoon: | o The Big Spoon: | | 0
  • self link? narnianspOOnful
  • The haircut: ou
  • The Kabob:     OO 
  • >>>--BOB--> William's Tell's oldest and least fortunate son?
  • And di bwoy gwaan do it and done!
  • This is the first thing on the internet that I don't understand.
  • * N V ! *
  • The Fence: 0oo0oo0oo0oo0oo0 It's silly, actually, path. I came across this site years ago, so some of these ideas must have been percolating all this time (^_^) It's not really cool, or "with it", just some harmless innuendoed fun. You should know ActuallySettle's penchant for hyperbole and exaggeration by now. The Levitating Bottle-cap: o 0
  • o o|| victory sign, viewed from above
  • The Calculus Lesson:Object Boffin: Booch
  • I think I was born at the same hospital as ActuallySettle. Emerson Hospital, AS? The Baby: Goo Maybe I don't get it either, but that's never stopped me before.
  • Looks like testicles to me.