July 15, 2005

Artefacts from the ancient kingdoms of Qataban, Himya, and Saba (biblical Sheba) Flash: click the picture on the right
  • I'll definitely have to check this out if I manage to swing through DC before the exhibition ends. Carved alabaster, especially, has a gorgeous luminosity to it that I've always been fond of. Another good post to boot Plegmund. Thanks!
  • SMT: I wanna go, too. Fantastic stuff, Pleg. I likes.
  • Oooh, maybe we can have a field trip/meetup!? Everyone on the bus, and no hair-pulling!
  • *sulks because he won't be able to go*
  • GranMa will sign notes. Remember to bring a sack lunch.
  • I'll bring monkey sandwiches for everyone!
  • can I have mine on bread please, with maple syrup, like your GreatGramMa BlueHorse used to make'em?
  • Mmmm, now you're talkin'! How do you take yours, drowning in syrup, or a light drizzle?
  • This is why MoFi is MoFi. A thoughtful, intelligent post reduced in 8 comments to discussion of a banana and peanut butter sandwich drizzled in sweet . . sweet maple syrup *aaahhghgghghggg*