July 14, 2005

Spaceweather PHONE is an astronomy alert service from the creators of Spaceweather.com. When auroras appear over your hometown, your phone will ring. When the space station is about to fly over your back yard, your phone will ring. When planets align ... you get the idea. Costs money. But could be useful.
  • Cool idea
  • I. Can. Look. Up.
  • Yes, but can you look up while your phone is ringing?
  • ... while you're driving?
  • Actually, I was wrong. I can't look up.
  • I want a spacesweater phone. In case I get chilly.
  • I want my phone to ring when nuclear weapons have been launched in my general direction.
  • Why not use SMS? Or is this based in some weird culture where SMS is considered heretical? Or a really freakish place where people don't *all* have mobile phones?
  • In Russia, when your phone rings, auroras appear over your hometown.
  • Chyren: If you can look down, maybe you can keep looking further down -- and down --- and down some more ---- until you're looking so totally down that it's become the new up!
    or maybe not
  • I know that it is improper to reveal any Monkey's true identity, but rolypolyman is actually Yakov Smirnoff.
  • Wow. I didn't realise. You can pay actual, real, money for a message to tell you that planets are aligning. That is so useful. Can you imagine how much that would save on, for example, using a free tool Maybe, instead of calculating these centuries in advance, I'll fork over some hard-earned cash to get an alert. Which will consist of my sodding landline chirruping some strange tone at me. It's not like these things take weeks, anyway.
    Anyone else see the mercury/venus/saturn alignment recently? and I thought business plans like this died in 1999 anyway...
  • Yeah, I did.
  • You can pay actual, real, money for a message to tell you that planets are aligning. That is so useful. Bah, that's nothing. You can pay actual, real, money to have an actual, real, magician cast a spell for you. Guaranteed!
  • But what if I miss one of my telemarketers' calls. Mr. Dx really enjoys dealing with those suppertime callers. *hears ringing* /covers ears.
  • Ding-a-ling! Ding-a-ling! O I want to hear the telephone ring! Is it a beggar? A foe? An old friend? Or simply some comet that's reaching it's end? A fatal conjuction of stars in the sky? Or simply some satellite passing nearby? Ring-a-ding! Ring away! It marks that time's somehow passing away and enlivens an otherwise very dull day.
  • I saw the alignment too, it was pretty good!