February 10, 2004
The Bathroom Diaries
Would that I had known of this resource when I lived in NYC.
This site, distilled: 1) Barnes and Nobles, GOOD. 2) Public Libraries, BAD.
Excellent link. My time in Ireland might have benefitted from reading this.
the bathrooms in morocco are FRIGHTENING. that's all i'll say about that.
MacDonalds and Starbucks not good enough for fancy Manhattan asses?
In which the Inquisitive may learn that the only thing more appaling than a hole in a well-fouled floor is a window where passing extroverts may greet you while you use the facility. ...Wot, Upper Pisang?!?..is this a joke?
wow. upper pisang may have lousy bathrooms and a regrettable name, but it is gorgeous! mofi meetup in upper pisang!!!
Interesting concept, but open to abuse. In the Bombay, India section: Churchgate station, "celebrity sightings", my foot. The only celebrities to be sighted at Churchgate station are foreign ones, on their first trip to India.
Yay! My alma mater won a Golden Plunger! I guess that this is what a Cerebral Experience looks like. What a claim to fame! I wonder if this will go into the brochure. Yeah, that would really win the parents over.