July 05, 2005

The question on all of our minds: Martha Stewart's prison nickname revealed...

What would you choose as your prison nickname?

  • Famous Anus.
  • The Wanker. Sounds about right...
  • "You can figure out how to get it off," she is quoted as saying. "It's on the Internet. I looked it up." Proof the penitentiary system is just borked. See, she's unrepentant. Who knows what other nefarious activities she's involved in nowadays? Maybe she learned to use P2P in jail and is right now burning DVDs full of movies and MP3s. "I have such a crush on him." Run, Jon, run!
  • Wish Bone. For those on poorly-protected work PCs who don't have Firefox there, there is an infinitude of pop-ups in that second link.
  • This woman is totally in denial of doing anything wrong. What a megalo.
  • apologies for the popups, i am using firefox and have all those nasties firmly blocked...
  • I would be more than happy to keep Jon Stewart safe from the likes of her. Unless he would rather have cake. I suck at cake.
  • She says her version of "The Apprentice" will be different than Donald Trump's and that she doesn't want to be portrayed as mean and harsh. She says she would never use Trump's catchphrase, "You're fired." "We are trying to come up with other ways to say it," she says. "For instance, if someone is from Idaho, I could say, `You're back in Boise for apple-picking time.'" I know your heart is in the right place Martha, but I don't know if that's any better.
  • Deep Throat. Okay, I can live with that.
  • The Gerbil. That's funny.
  • Huh, I get the same prison bitch name whether I use my real name or my handle.
  • That apple-picking line sounds worse than "You're fired." It sounds like she's putting down someone's home state and one of its industries, even though I know M. Diddy is probably really into gardening and apple-picking (and lemons!) and stuff like that.
  • Moustache Girl.
  • Apple pickin' time? god, I hate that woman