July 04, 2005

And then this. Any Monkeys get to see it? My island was fogged in, and I am nowhere near the right time or place.
  • quidnunc already linked it...
  • Double post! FUCK YEAH! It's a post that was already posted! Double post! FUCK YEAH! It's not an uncommon occurance, so suck on my balls!
  • Congratulations, tqk. You have fashioned the most obdurately irritating comment template in the filter metaverse. Does it come naturally to you, or did you have to hone your technique over long nights of labor?
  • I admit that quiddy's latest poetry doesn't speak to me like his older stuff does, but who am I begrudge him anything after he's given us so much? And maybe we're just not as aesthetically advanced as he is. FUCK YEAH!
  • My grand prediction is that this will be the first double to not get deleted. I have the sneaking feeling that the first post of this will be the one that gets deleted.
  • That is illogical.
  • Logic is for cowards.
  • Does it come naturally to you, or did you have to hone your technique over long nights of labor? Don't make me get out my lightsabre, Darth Tent-sore.
  • Sir, I would urge you to remove your trousers from your head and put them on properly. And kindly refrain from swinging that tube light. The other guests are complaining.
  • I'd like me some neatly-eviscerated testicle grilled with some wieners please... While the grill's still hot ya know!
  • I would urge you to remove your trousers from your head and put them on properly That's good advice actually. Thanks!
  • "tube light". Bwah!
  • Seriously, yes – I watched it live thanks to seeing the MeFi thread about 20 minutes before impact. The science and accomplishment was very cool regardless of who did it. However, this 4th of July/Patriotic USA stuff can take a flying leap, in my opinion.
  • mecurious: don't be hatin'
  • take a flying leap Interesting choice of putdowns, given the topic of the thread. (Or am I pointing out something too obvious?)
  • I have the sneaking feeling that the first post of this will be the one that gets deleted. So...conflicted... /ignores everything, rents Team America
  • Monkeyfilter: I would urge you to remove your trousers from your head and put them on properly. 'Nuff said.
  • i am going to PURCHASE team america, fuck yeah. gotta have that in my DVD library.
  • and fiona, i'm so jealous of you because, A) you have such a lovely name; and B) you live on an island that is sometimes fogged in. how very romantic!
  • Congratulations, tqk. You have fashioned the most obdurately irritating comment template in the filter metaverse. While at the video store last night, I decided that I was only going to communicate via the Team America song. After several minutes of these antics (incuding gems such as "Connery, FUCK YEAH! He's a guy that straight men would want to have sex with!"), the friend that accompanied me wanted to kill me. Mission accomplished... thanks, quid!
  • Heh! We gotta hang out sometime, the_bone. FUCK YEAH!
  • England, FUCK YEAH! It's far away, and I'm a broke motherfucker! England, FUCK YEAH! I'll travel there eventually, so suck on my balls!