July 01, 2005
Do you want to be ugly and/or impotent?
If so, consider taking up smoking. So says a new anti-smoking advertisement campaign from the NHS (various media), targeted at males who might worry about staying hard (flash) and females who might worry about losing their looks. We all know that smoking is carcinogenic to humans, but is the risk of cancer no longer a sufficient (de)motivator?
I wonder if anti-smoking propaganda has an audience any more. New smokers are surely aware of all the dangers already.
secondthird that. Aaah, the good 'ol days when I was a smoker. Had a lucid dream one night in which I found out I had lung cancer and was surrounded with fire and an eerie bright orange light... Woke up in a heavy sweat and out-of-breath. From that moment on, I was a non-smoker.