June 29, 2005
The Face of Hope.
Birhan Woldu, once a three year old on the edge of death who became "the face of famine" in Ethiopia, has grown up to be a dedicated young woman, in her second year of Agricultural College.
Please forgive the second link in one day - sometimes these things come in clumps, and I was inspired enough by her to want to share it sooner rather than later.
Extraordinary and a good read. Thanks jb. Upon payment of $10 to the Children's Education Trust, your transgression will be expunged.
Birhan Woldu: Best. Name. Ever.
This reminds me of this. And I'll take this moment to say Brian Stewart is one of the best things about the CBC. Journalism can be a calling.
I remember reading a follow up piece about Sharbat Gula (the National Geo cover girl), but I hadn't seen those photos before. The pic of the doctor checking her out to see if she's the same one is kind of ick. Her one year-old Alia has a captivating glare too. As for the Birhan Woldu story, it reminds me of the photo of the starving Sudanese girl seemingly stalked by a vulture. I remember reading that she was able to pick herself up after the photo and go on to a feeding center, but I also wonder how she is doing today.
If only 40,000,000 or so starving kids got their photos taken and sponsored by a journalist and had famiousity and airplane rides to London foisted on them, then poverty would be history. The photofeedingtube.
is poverty, like obesity, genetic?
Anyone else see this in the sidebar and expect a picture of #4?
Fish Tick, you're not alone.