June 22, 2005

Fear The Flying Spaghetti Monster! The logical extension of teaching Intelligent Design. via BB

I am so making a costume in honor of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

  • *puts on full pirate regalia* Ok, I'm ready to teach!
  • Yaarrrrr!
  • So the other day I was taking readings to prove science is all cool and then this huge noodly appendage came out of nowhere and totally screwed up my dataset. I became a true believer, and converted instantly. Instant noodles. Yep. Formed my own church to boot, the First Universal Congregation of the Kingdom of Ramen. (Feel free to refer to it as FUCKR for short.) Please don't forget to tithe monthly to support the spaghetti harvesters of Italy. All noodles are sacred. Even chow fun has a place in my church, we turn away no noodle, be it wide or thin, egg-free or grain based, spiral or flat, even the somewhat blasphemous noodles that contain cheese or meat fillings may apply for admission.
  • Ramen to that!
  • >Ramen to that! Ow.
  • That's funny, storybored! You made me spit up my chicken noodle soup on the keyboard!
  • I don't believe the evidence they have for the flying spagetti monster theory. For one thing, they totally underestimate the numbers of contemporary pirates.
  • I'm going ballistic over here. These guys are lying through their teeth. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is not invisible. He is very, very, very translucent. This can be proved using differential equations or something.
  • I'm sure that the FSM has the ability to become invisible. It might be that some people have the power to see the FSM even at these times, people who have special FSM powers, probably.
  • chyren chyren chyren!! its not a matter of "special powers", its a matter of FAITH!!! those who truly believe can always see the FBM, in their hearts if not their eyes...
  • meredithea: if you're going to teach in full pirate regalia, maybe this keyboard would be a handy accessory.
  • (pssst: Not adviseable to mutter my name three times in a row)
  • I heard that if you turn off all the lights and say his name three times in a row, he appears and drinks all the booze in your house. It happened to my friend's sister's friend
  • Booze? Don't mind if I do.
  • Hey, might be handy for those times when you can't remember where you put all the booze.
  • if any one being, mortal or otherwise, could drink all the bourbon that is in my house in one epic binge, I would consider reconsidering my atheism...
  • Don't be going blaming global warming on me,... arghh, argggh! 'Tis all the fault of one-legged Pete I tell ye!
  • ...and here I've been, wandering lost and godless all these years, when the Truth has been but a click away. At long last I have been touched by his noodly appendage. Arr! unbelievers will walk the plank ! /eyes glazed with rabid faith
  • The pirate keyboard needs more letters! At least an A, so I can type "Aaaaaaarrrrrr!"
  • The pirate keyboard also needs this Jolly Roger key. Arrrr.
  • "Pirates, Peanut, Pirates!!"
  • MonkeyFilter: Fear The Flying Spaghetti Monster! MonkeyFilter: might be handy for those times when you can't remember where you put all the booze. Waraw and Flongj, beautiful, guys. Just beautiful. *wipes tear from eye
  • MonkeyFilter: Fear The Flying Spaghetti Monster! MonkeyFilter: might be handy for those times when you can't remember where you put all the booze. Waraw and Flongj, beautiful, guys. Just beautiful. *wipes tear from eye
  • I think it's worth noting that the pastafarians have added some content to their site, and now have their own wikipedia entry. The RAmen thing seems to have caught on as well. via
  • $750,000!
  • Recently converted Pastafarians are adding matching reward funds to the Boing Boing Intelligent Design Challenge. Jason Kottke of kottke.org (Link) and Sean Bonner of metblogs (Link) have each offered an additional $250,000. We've been flooded with still more donations, and have decided to cap the purse at $1 million -- in part because the number contains a lot of pretty, round zeroes that resemble holy meatballs. But also because many of you offered sums payable in "whisky and wenches," or "ho's 'n' blow," neither of which really count. Thanks all the same.
  • Damn.. missed it.
  • More from the Pennsylvania case. Miller [a scientist] also challenged the accuracy of “Of Pandas and People” [an ID textbook] and said it almost entirely omits any discussion of what causes extinction. If nearly all original species are extinct, he said, the intelligent-design creator was not very intelligent. OH SNAP!
  • Flying Spaghetti Monster Dildo Cozy Who's been very very naughty this year?
  • ooh!! me want SO BAD!!!
  • A noteworthy piece of work. I fear, though, that the satirical point of the whole FSM thing is increasingly submerged in a tide of whimsy.
  • FSM erotica (somewhat NSFW)
  • The most beautiful and sexy thing I've seen in months!
  • Ooooohhhh UDOOOOON! Ah. It's happened, finally. Experiencing the surge of a strange combination of lust and hunger...
  • want to eat.....
  • BEST... PR0N... EVER!
  • bringing the twin joys of food and sex together in a completely novel, if disturbing way. ahv been touched bah the flahin' spaghetti mahnster!! praaaaaahz meatbahlz!!
  • MonkeyFilter: increasingly submerged in a tide of whimsy Ahhhhhhh! A good night for taglines.
  • bringing the twin joys of food and sex together *Plus* religious fervor, don't forget that.
  • Overborne by a torrent of froth, egad.
  • Yow! It's about time we have a lustful, edible diety.
  • I also love what he's doing with his, you know, balls in that picture.
  • I thought Dr. Jesus specifically said to pay taxes. Sheesh, he's not even a good bible guy.
  • Flying spaghetti monster hatemail "alright man. i dont know what the heck you think you are doing. but just wait till you are standing in front of the gates of heaven. when god asks you "Why should I let you into Heaven?" what are you going to say? "let me in because i mocked you my entire pathetic life, said there was a god better than you, made of spaghetti and meatballs. let me in." and "ok first off i want to start by asking do you really believe everything that you wrote on that page about us being created by a freaking giant spaghetti monster?? cuz if you do wow give me some of what your on cuz it has got to be strong in order to have you believing that a spaghette monster created us."
  • The second commenter is obviously one of those crazy Rigatonians.
  • Sarchasm (sär'kăz'əm) n. The abyss between you and the person(s) to whom you are explaining your clever joke, into which you may headlong cast your explanation, as those who do not get the joke are myopic fucktards from Fucktardistan.
  • I just handed in my Atheists of America card. I have officially joined the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I have known of Him for a long time, but did not think He needed me to spread his noodly message. I now know otherwise...
  • Jesus loves it when you call your fellow man a cocksucker. It says so in teh bibel.
  • Bible rhymes with libel.
  • I am sick to my stomach that my small babies will live in such a disgusting generation where God is no longer the source of strength and power. Yeah, it's a darn good thing for our forefathers that no previous generations ever mocked any religions.
  • TUM! Bite your tongue! Now to the side a bit! Yeah! Work it! now pout, baby pout! That's it! Dynamite baby! Give it all up! Yeehhahhhh! /clicky-clicky
  • Thinking about the Flying Spagetti Monster makes me hungry.
  • Forget about whatever pastry some religious figure has appeared in this week, check this out.
  • Wow!
  • Well, I guess that PROVES it! :)
  • God is a flare? I better get him out of the trunk of my car pronto.
  • I had the BRILLIANT idea a few months ago that the next time Jehovah's Witnesses or whatever come to my door, I am going to attempt to convert them to Pastafarianism!! you should too!
  • Couldn't I just hang some clumps of real spaghetti on my tree? It'd be a lot cheaper.
  • I lubs me some festive meatballs in a Christmasy red sauce!
  • That's fantastic!
  • that's really quite impressive. I see that my worship of the FSM is inadequate.
  • I bow before his noodley creativity.
  • The beeb has it wrong - he cannot be an atheist and a pastafarian. The FSM is his god, and so he is a monotheist. (May the blessings of parmesan cheese be upon him).
  • "the only dogma allowed in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the rejection of dogma". Finally! However I am concerned about future divisions, such as The Faith of the Swimming Fettucini Leviathan, or The Temple of the Fluttering Gnocci Goliath. The hats will be fun, though...
  • Hmmmm.... No sauce. IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!