June 22, 2005

Fat Britney Chosen for new Holostamps The Onion in the year 2056.
Warning! No beverages while reading, you'll just short out any electronics within snorting distance.
  • Personally, I liked "Remainder of Ross Ice Shelf Now in Smithsonian Freezer".
  • Well done. Just what they needed to shake them out of their rut. I would have liked to have seen a 2056-edition of Dan Savage while they were at it, but oh well.
  • I agree Capt. Renault. My bf and I were just discussing the fact that The Onion has moved from "unfunny" to "slightly amusing" in the last few weeks. Now they have achieved "rather entertaining". Lets hope they can say there. (This coming from an owner of the the 3 volume "Best of The Onion").
  • Watch out for the audio - nothing like having 'Surgery Required for New Sexual Position" come blasting out of the speakers.
  • Dear Savagebot, I'm an cute, eighteen-year old trans-species twinkalopod, quite inexperienced (less than 1,000 pings, and only a few hundred RL plugins). I've got as serious USB fetish, and I've recently hooked up with an older guy, who'd got ports like you wouldn't believe! I'm totally into him, he's mostly GGGG (good, giving, gravity-enabled and game), but he says that my tentacles are a real turn-off. He wants me to have gene-surgery to remove them, but I'm not sure. What should I do? Uncertain Sexy Boyform
  • Nothing about Herbert Kornfeld? I bet he's 92 and officin' in China, where all the jobs will be.
  • apparently Heniken, Bud light and Comedy Central ads have changed very little.. you gotta do what you gotta do, but it kinda breaks the theme. The Onion aint what it used to be, but it's still 1 x 10 to the 38th times funnier and more original than most other stuff on the web (I'm looking at you Jib Jab)
  • My favorite is Jim Anchower 2056.
  • I was hoping for a Smoove-Bot.
  • Preposterous, flashboy. Do you believe that anyone in 2056 will remember was USB was?