June 22, 2005

First it was the squirrels, then it was rats, now the wombats are joining in! The animal resistance is mobilising!
  • Strike back... I'm not eating wombat, though.
  • Chy's Deep Fried Wombat.....
  • Kudos Chy! Safe to assume no recipe is needed for the deep fried wombat? Any seasoning in mind? I'm thinking some Spicey Wombat Fried Rice myself. Wombat tendons are nice 'n chewy, an interesting texture to add to the dish. Squirrel is a tad on the bland side - unless of course you can procure squirrel pups, which make an excellent Baby Squirrel Sashimi (go light on the wasabi). Slurrpp! Fried rat tails dipped in a sweet/sour tamarind sauce are mighty damn fine! Crunchy little bones are an excellent source of calcium as well. *drool*
  • There was a squirrel outside our kitchen window this morning. It was clearly casing the joint.
  • And tomorrow there'll be two, four the day after. It'll be like Dawn of the freakin Dead before you know it. Join Us
  • I think the bunnies are in on it too. And the paint-sniffing transient who lives on the bench. Well, maybe just the bunnies.
  • The 'transient' is actually a quisling traitor turncoat, in league with the furry four-footed foe, acting as their emisary in the world of men. He's a god-damn bunny lover.
  • He's probably just an old coat full of ducks. But then again, most transients are.
  • Did you know that Prince William is known (to family and friends) as Willie the Wombat?
  • Because he hardly ever poos?
  • Two legs good, four legs bad. *snickSNICK*
  • ohhhhhh, I loves it, kitfisto. From now on I command you to speak only in a squirrel voice
  • Funny thing, I've always known to communicate with cats. Yes, I am a "cat whisperer." Last year I tried with squirrels. I seem to have a connection going. I have some friends visiting NYC from Spain this week. We met in Central Park the other day. They were admiring the many squirrels scampering around the trees. When I told them of my prowess for talking with the squirrels, they laughed it off. That is until, I summoned two squirrels from a distance and proceeded to have a little chat with them. My friends proceeded to tease me that I am Dr. Doolittle (which I loved reading as a child of course). If you want them to join the revolution, just send me the message. I will deliver...
  • I was told that you should not eat urban squirrels. Some of them have a taste for the lead pipe jacks on the roof (sweet), and this makes the meat poison. I wonder if this is just hearsay, or comes from the city squirrel conspiracy?
  • Oooh, sugarmilktea, can my cats and I join the revolution? They have already figured out how to open the refrigerator, and they're working very hard on developing opposable thumbs. Did you know that squirrels on the west coast speak a different dialect than squirrels on the east coast?
  • The squirrels in the park up the street come right up to you try to mug you for treats, and this evening on the college campus down the road I could have just reached out and grabbed one squirrel sitting on a dumpster. Is something like toxoplasmosis going on there, i.e. some good reason (besides lead) for not eating them? They don't seem stupid (like from lead), just totally heedles (almost like domestic ferrets).
  • Curse those heedless domestic ferrets!!!
  • Am I the only one who read that as "headless domestic ferrets"? Carry on, then.
  • Sheeyat! Now we've got zombie domestic ferrets to fight too?
  • The squirrels in Hyde Park, London, will also come right up, in fact if you are patient and go every morning to feed them (when they seem to be most active) you will eventually get them climbing up your trouser leg or coming right over and putting one of their little furry hands around your finger as they munch on the nut you have brought them. I used to do this almost every morning. (Truth be told, it's not good for them as they become humanised and start to rely a bit too much on people for food, but there's plenty of natural forage there anyway).
  • Next they'll be putting their little furry hands around our necks...
  • Looks like the lions are on our side, though.
  • That sounds like something straight out of Disney.
  • I don't want squirrels climbing up my trouser leg and munching on my nut!
  • LaGatta, I was not aware of the W. Coast squirrel dialect. Seeing how I had no trouble with the 日本のリス dialect, I feel fairly confident that I should be able to pick up those rowdy West Coaster's lingo in no time. I have marked your dexterous cat and you to be included. Details will be forwarded via the International Cat Network (ICN). Kitfisto: this is another example of the fantastic feats the ICN can accomplish. ICN does not discriminate against any member of the Felidae family.
  • SMT, you tease us with your mysterious link loop! But we quite like it, you enigma, you.
  • The link is in FTML (Feline Text Markup Language). Sorry kitfisto, it only works if paws click the link. *runs*
  • Well that's all right then. I'll ask the girls to have a go tonight...
  • pervert
  • Looks like the lions are on our side, though. They're just trying to lull us into a sense of complacency, I tell you.
  • ...the 日本のリス dialect... How clever of you to discern that chipmonks speak Japanese.
  • squirrels on the west coast speak a different dialect than squirrels on the east coast? Well, like, duuude, of COURSE they do! They're SQUIRRRRELS, man, freakin' SQUIRRRRELS.
  • And some squirrels are armed.
  • ...the wombat died instantly. What next, wombat suicide bombers?
  • Squirrel + lightsabre = Humanity's Doom. (I'm no perv. It's society's crime, not mine)
  • Of course the squirrels are armed. And legged. And footed. And headed. And tailed /so forth. Because a squirrel with no arms would be able to park in the handicapped spot.
  • Heh. .. our eternal adversaries, Moose* and Sqirr-rrrell**!!! *Bullwinkle **Rocky the Flying
  • I'm surprised those motorists haven't been charged with wombattery.
  • Now they're talking to each other!. About hats, mostly.
  • I listened to a bunch of them talking the other day, and what they were saying was disgusting. "Go climb the power pole." "No. you go climb the pole." "No, you." "I dare ya!" "Well, I double-squirrel dare ya." You'd think they'd learn.
  • I like to stand as close as possible to a squirrel in a tree and watch him flip out. Sometimes it looks like they're going to have a heart attack. Squirrels are so funny.
  • And You Will Know Her By The Trail Of Dead-From-Heart-Attack Squirrels She Leaves In Her Wake. You're a real piece of work, lady.
  • Hey man, the squirrel started it. I was just walking along, minding my own business, and all of a sudden, "chirp! chirp! whistle! chuck! beep! clang! chirp!", and I'm all, "what did you say about my mother??"
  • Yeah, right. Giant faux-Canadian picks on tiny tree rat, then says the rat started it. Your supposed to be the dominant species! Walk away! You, Madam, are a bully and a coward.
  • That squirrel was six feet tall, if he was an inch. And I'm pretty sure he was packing heat.
  • This guy's fighting back, but I don't fancy his chances...
  • well not to be the voice of doom-n-gloom here, since that role has already been taken.....BUT.... the american ground squirrel can be a vector for Bubonic Plague, so youse might want to stiffle yr urges to interact with those fluffy little rodents o' mass destruction...
  • Now the marmots have launched an offensive!
  • They're demanding all their yeast spread back.
  • That is quite offensive.
  • Oink!
  • Thug Raccoons Yup, I'm going to keep this thread going all on my own.
  • fierce bad racoon to kill those cats and fearlessly face folk waving baseball bats oh, ye seemed so cute with your pointed snout as ye came round looking for a handout but now folk sing ye another tune go 'way racoon leave my cats alone behave like coons we've formerly known
  • Koala does wombat in a really amusing window display error. Where did that platypus come from?
  • you otter know that once the snow falls on your slide it can make for a better ride
  • The Wombat -- Ogden Nash The wombat lives across the seas, Among the far Antipodes. He may exist on nuts and berries, Or then again, on missionaries; His distant habitat precludes Conclusive knowledge of his moods, But I would not engage the wombat In any form of mortal combat. WOMBANIA!!
  • you can hold the mayo in the heat of every noon and please hold the mayo through the heat of sultry June for I like best the old cow's spread yes, a little wombutter on this fresh wom bread
  • Huh.
  • Yeah for the wombats! A short poem in celebration of these critters: The Wombat The wombat lives across the seas, Among the far Antipodes. He may exist on nuts and berries, Or then again, on missionaries; His distant habitat precludes Conclusive knowledge of his moods, But I would not engage the wombat In any form of mortal combat. -- Ogden Nash