June 21, 2005
Flickr Fiend
- AdJab covers Flickr. Also spotted more Great Flickr Tools.
Linksterbater? I'm afraid I shall not click - unless the highest monkey says otherwise...
Sure looks like it. Joined today, one link posted, no comments. It's also a craptacular link with context whatsoever plus another link to an ad-heavy blogspot site. Utter crap.
Linksterbater? Doesn't look like it to me. Also has a link to Our Goth Laundry at the top.
Gah, you're kidding? I clicked briefly this morning, it looked like all ads & I couldn't figure it out, so I let it lie. Whoa. Actually I am trying to get someone to adopt my dog via flickr (and many other more traditional venues, this has to be a very special person) which is probably all totally wrong etc - which begs the question anyway, this site has nothing that flickr and/or the flickr blog does not.
Unworthy self link.
Well, something's working, that .pdf flyer has had 377 hits now. Noone who's ever linked to anything of mine before has ever achieved that kind of traffic. Hmm. Still noone wants to take the dog. But it makes me suddenly nervous when people on the internet notice me - I recognize this as illogical & foolish - but I always think I'm invisible.
I also just got an email from somebody at AdJab & he says that they don't know who webdigger is. So: not a self link.
I'll leave it up until it's confirmed one way or the other.
I can't figure out what adjab is supposed to be doing. I assume by "covers" linksterbater means there's an article, or maybe a piece of software if I really want to get loose with the word "covers". Regardless, it's sure seems like a post-and-run.