June 21, 2005
Read between the lines...
Hello reader, and welcome to my page: if you want something, try to deserve it.
Too tired to attempt much of this site so no promises on their being anything of worth behind all the cryptic riddles, but it's sure to entertain a few perhaps. (via)
I certainly cannot be arsed. Whereas just a click away I know I'm going to find something interesting. I bet his webstats really fall off after the intro page...
If anyone's actually interested in getting the password, just View source for that intro page. It seems to involve downloading a zip file, which permanently wiped out any trace of interest I might have had.
The zip file would probably be some generic tutorial on doing cryptanalysis, it's not needed at all. Just look at the simple substitution cypher and solve it (very easy). From the guy's alias (+MaLa), I gather he is/was part of the +HCU (Higher Cracking University). Definitely some good reverse engineers in there. I suggest doing a search for fravia's pages of reverse engineering. All mirrors now, since the original has been discontinued. Fravia's current project is Searchlores.org, also worth checking out, but for altogether different reasons.
*sigh* Can't be bothered... *stares blankly out of window*
*jumps up 'n down in front of window, madly waving arms in a buffoon-like manner* that's just too much work for me today
I don't deserve it.
His first riddle has multiple valid answers, yet only one is excepted. That's poor form.
He. Must. DIE!!!!! *ahem* Sorry.
my basic rule in life as well as on the intarwebs: items/objects/pitches that want MY attention must deserve me, not the other way 'round.
The highest knowledge is to know that we are surrounded by monkeys.
The highest monkey is known to surround himself with bananas.
The highest monkey is huffing paint fumes.
The highest monkey is showing you his big red ass right now. Conversation with my three-year-old nephew last week: Me: You're a monkey. Him: I'm not a monkey. I'm Spider-Man. Me: No, you're a monkey. You smell like one. Him: I'm not a monkey. I'm Spider-Man. Me: No, I'm pretty sure you're a monkey. You have a tail and everything. Him: I don't have a...wait... (points to his crotch) THERE IT IS!
Pass the rag please...
They say a cup is better.
Presumably, I had that coming...
I'm with deconstructo. I'm probably not in the demographic this guy had in mind though. If I wanted to think, I'd be watching TV.
Kinda neat. I might try playing with it over the weekend. His attitude is a little off-putting, though. Had he presented it as something for fun rather than as "you have to deserve it" sort of way I would be more inclined to work it. But it is still neat.
Despite myself, I like this.
Had he presented it as something for fun rather than as "you have to deserve it" sort of way I would be more inclined to work it. Funny, I got the exact opposite impression. Although I also thought maybe English is not his first language. The first one was easy, but fun in a mindless sort of way. The next one, I haven't spent much time thinking about it. Did anyone look at the detail picture? I'm assuming it's a closeup of the label so you can see it says "drink me." The numbers are 1-17, 2 of each. 17 letters in the words "alice in wonderland." I'm almost positive that the order of the numbers is some kind of pattern, but I haven't found a pattern that works beyond the first 12 yet. A small hint in the HTML source again (some at the top, some at the bottom). Is he just rambling about games and stuff, or is there some significance to the puzzle?