June 19, 2005
The Unauthorized Chronology of the DC Universe
is the single most astonishing work of comics storyline history I've found online. It begins 19 billion years B.C.E. and continues on through to the End of Time, where Superman traps Doomsday temporarily (Ha!) and time loops around to its beginning (Cop-out! Give me 'splosions!). In between is more than you ever wanted to know about the DC Comics Superhero pantheon.
This is a living, breathing monument to comics nerdliness, and I for one tip my felt-replica feathered Green Arrow cap to its creator. A tremendous amount of work went into this. Near as I can tell, it's as close to exhaustive as anyone's gotten, which for the convoluted, Infinite-Earths history of the DC Universe, is saying something. Discovered quite by accident while researching the upcoming über-crisis that DC's ramping up for bigtime. Marketing department, ho!
addictionhobby. But I am interested in talking about it. What do you wanna talk about? Have to admit though, all this re-writing of the origins is confusing.