June 17, 2005

Surviving being Eaten by a Whale - "Once inside, sit tight and try not to touch anything if at all possible. Gastric processes are invasive and skin does not recover well from encounters with digestive fluids."
  • Another good reason to have your towel with you at all times.
  • If I find myself in a position where the possibility exists that a whale might eat me, I figure I probably deserve it.
  • Rule Number One: Don't Panic
  • thank you so much jb! this happened just last tuesday to a good pal. if only i'd had this information then. sigh.
  • It's a little bit more complicated the other way around.
  • The final line "If all else fails you might consider using pepper or a small fire to smoke your way out." W.T.F. ????? yep, matches and some pepper, that's the answer... and kindling, of course, and a couple of logs, and since you've got the fire going and already have the pepper, you might as well do up some eggs, eh?
  • This has happened to me several times. My advice: bring a flashlight so you can read while waiting to be rescued. Moby Dick is an obvious choice, but if you happen to find yourself inside a whale with a copy of Emily Dickinson's poetry, that works surprisingly well.
  • Well I'll be blown!
  • *imagines the feeling of being squeezed through a whale sphincter*
  • yep, matches and some pepper, that's the answer... Heh, HuronBob's kids must be too old for "Pinnochio."
  • :-\ "Pinnochio"..heh...i forgot! But, that reminds me that as a kid I had a very wonderful pop-up book of Pinnochio. Now I have to figure out where that thing is...... I know it is in a box someplace...
  • do cell phones work inside a whale?
  • Look, just arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it, OK? You'll save yourself all this needless hassle.
  • *trembles a bit*
  • Does anyone have advice about being shoved up a whale's asshole?
  • Make friends with the gerbils and they might show you the way out.
  • EW EW EW EW!!!
  • Does anyone have advice about being shoved up a whale's asshole? Lot's of lube and an accommodating whale.
  • Outside of a book, a dog is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. /Groucho Marx
  • If lighting a fire and smoking your way out doesn't get you out of the whale, I'd put up some bookshelves and some posters. Make the place liveable for Chrissakes.
  • The hard part would be installing the wireless network.
  • Is this some kind of bizzare setup for one of those "you might be a redneck" jokes? "if you;ve been swallowed by a whale more than once..."
  • Punch your way at until you're puked up. Then you'll be alive AND rich.
  • Punch your way at until you're puked up. Then you'll be alive AND rich.
  • Dammit, it gave me a connection failure the first time. I believed it.
  • Well, Pinocchio drowned after using a fire to make the whale sneeze, but the Blue Fairy brought him back to life as a real boy. Huzzah! However, back in the day when biblical interpretion was favored in the US, scholars I read thought that "in the belly of the whale" meant "depressed." Sorry, no link, 'cause the first zillion results from a Google search led to nothing that would support my memory.
  • Squid is the favorite food of sperm whales. Just sayin', Mr. Calamari Herder. Be careful out there.
  • He said "sperm." Huh, huh, huh.