June 16, 2005
The Blue Iguana Recovery Program.
Amazing creatures - five feet long and bright blue (at least when the sun is shining). Unfortunately they are also endangered.
I'm pretty sure that a film with the words 'Blue Iguana' in its title saved my life during a late night acid binge many years ago. Gave me something to focus on, although even in that state i knew it was rubbish. These creatures are fab. I'd like one on a lead.
I killed the thread. Sorry.
Alright, so nobody loves big blue lizards (except kitfisto). How about cute little marmots?
Holy Rodent!! I love these too. They are teh cute, but with that glint in their eye that says 'don't mess with the marmot.'
I want a bobble headed lizard for my dashboard.
I like blue iguanas.
Thanks for the post, Plegmund! I didn't know a thing about blue iguanas before. Hopefully they'll get all the cage sponsors they need. I met a woman who keeps an iguana like a child. It sleeps in her bed and goes everywhere with her. Lovely creature.
I had no idea that blue iguanas existed. Beautiful creatures. And the Vancouver Island marmots are, of course, close to my heart. Thanks Plegmund!
You gots marmots in your chest? Whoosh. Mind you support 'em with a big black DDD bra!
I gots marmots in my pants too. They tickle.